“My Genocide”: When An Indian Comic Stood Up And Questioned The Silence Over Gaza Murders (Instagram image @absolutelydanny)
Indian comedian Daniel Fernandes cooked and served those who were in silence over what is happening in Gaza. During his ‘Do You Know Who I am?’ special show, on which he is currently touring the country, the comedian picked up on the double standards and hypocrisy when it comes to the Palestinians and Muslims. Touching upon all that was deemed ‘unspeakable’, Fernandes hit hard at the “spineless” mutes. He said may be Adolf Hitler saw something in Jews that rest of the world could not, but categorically asserted that he does not subscribe that opinion, though.
Shooting right at the double standards, he started off with a story of a dog. He said when the dog was taken to a pet station for grooming, instead of taking care of it, the groomers started to assault the dog. The groomers also filmed what they are doing and posted it online. The video went viral instantly, leading a mob of some 200, 300 to attack the pet station, beat up the assaulters, and handed them to police.
He said not even one among the mob has questioned the other one’s religion, or what they were doing there, and everyone was concerned and angered for the injustice that was suffered by the defenceless dog.
Asking to stretch the sentiment globally, he said injustice is one of the few things that unite people in anger.
Bringing in Gaza, he said if only we could find a war to airdrop puppies in Gaza, there will be an immediate ceasefire chants erupting. “That’s all it takes!”, he said.
The audience laughed.
Comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conduct of war in Gaza to the tactics of Hitler, Fernandes said “What a strange world we live in right? Who would have thought that the same man who brought so much pain and suffering and death to the Jewish community would come back reincarnated as their Prime Minister”.
He never shied away to call out the audience from were the laughter diminished. He said “look how uncomfortable all of you are”.
Underscoring the nature of Israel’s barbarism against the Palestinians, the comedian said he had a very “disturbing thought” in his head few days back, of which he is not proud of at all.
He said when he saw a Palestinian father holding his headless child in his hands, he thought “May be Adolf was onto something”.
He knew what he was saying. He added that this is were he lose the crowd, as the laughter reduced.
Saying that he is not trying to “whitewash Hitler”, who is still a “vile evil monster we remember him to be”, Fernandes win back his crowd. He said Hitler will be at the bottommost pit of hell “right next to the Queen”.
Audience cheered.
He said may be Hitler knew something that the rest of the world does not know about the Jews. He also asked audience if they have any better explanation to what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.
Slamming the double standards shown against the Muslim community, Fernandes said he chided himself for having such “Anti-Semitic” thought, as he cannot blame the whole Jewish community for the actions of Israeli government.
Sharpening his satire, the comedian said that would be like blaming every single Muslims in the world for the actions of Al Qaeda and ISIS. “And we have NEVER done that! Right? We have never demonized an entire group of people for the actions of a few, so don’t start now”, he added.
The atmosphere appeared uncomfortable, as laughter diminished with each sentence.
He also called out those pretending to be ignorant of Gaza. Painting them cowards, he said the positive thing to happen during the genocide was the “sales of backrest have gone through the roof! Because last year or so people all over the world have been unable to locate their spines!”
Daniel Fernandes warned that history will not be kind to this generation. He said for the longest time history is written by few and read by many, but today things are different, and everything is being recorded. Both sides have equal representations.
Fernandes concluded his talk by asking people not to put themselves in a position of humiliation and embarrassment, and watching one’s own child lose respect for them for turning blind eye while children are being murdered.
Here is the video of Fernandes: