Netanyahu Interrupted By Families Of Hostages Inside Israel Parliament

West Asia Edited by Updated: Dec 26, 2023, 2:25 pm
Netanyahu Interrupted By Families Of Hostages Inside Israel Parliament

Netanyahu Interrupted By Families Of Hostages Inside Israel Parliament

During a special parliament session on Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced interruption by protesters, mainly from the families of the members of the captives captured by Hamas in Gaza, raising their dissent to the Prime minister.

While Netanyahu who returned from Gaza recently urged that the troops required more time for the operation in Gaza, the protesters carrying posters with their dear one’s photos and names inscribed, disputed the Prime Minister shouting that “there is no time”

Then again when he resumed his speech in the parliament amid the disruption, the protesters went on shouting “Now! Now! Now!”

The protesters’ posters came with captions such as “We trust you to bring them home,” “80 days, each minute is like hell,” and “What if this were your daughter.” The posters also carried captions such as “daughter,” “father,” and “brother.,” according to a report by CNN.

A video shared on Social media showed the Prime Minister Netanyahu being heckled by the protesters during his speech in the parliament

Speaking about his discussion with the Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza, Netanyahu cited their determination, saying: “Our sons did not die in vain. We must not stop the war until we secure complete victory over those who wish us dead.” Netanyahu also avowed that the country would shake every tree and turn every stone to bring back all those hostages. “Since the beginning of the war, I have met with the families of the abductees, and I hear your personal stories. What is said here unites the people and unites us in a holy mission,” he added.

However, as the war in Gaza continues, human casualties are mounting. While the death toll in Gaza crossed an alarming 20,000, casualties in Israel are also counting. After several releases, there are still 129 Israeli captives in Gaza, according to the Israeli Prime minister’s office. 22 of 129 have died in Gaza, with their bodies yet to be brought back to Israel.