Oxfam Says Daily Death Toll In Gaza Surpasses All Other Major Conflicts Of 21st Century

West Asia Edited by Updated: Jun 01, 2024, 5:42 am
Oxfam Says Daily Death Toll In Gaza Surpasses All Other Major Conflicts Of 21st Century

Oxfam Says Daily Death Toll In Gaza Surpasses All Other Major Conflicts Of 21st Century (image@ UNRWA)

While the case of Israel committing genocide in Gaza is going on at International Court of Justice, a monitoring group said the killing of civilians in Gaza is going on in an unprecedented way when compared to the recent history. Oxfam, a Britain based charity said that the daily death toll of Palestinians by Israel surpasses any other major conflict in the 21st century, and survivors remains at high risk as hunger, disease, cold, and the ongoing indiscriminate Israeli bombing escalate at rapid speed.

“Israel’s military is killing Palestinians at an average rate of 250 people a day, which massively exceeds the daily death toll of any other major conflict of recent years”, said Oxfam in a statement. The charity provided a list of average death per day on other conflicts since the beginning of 21st century which was 96.5 in Syria, 51.6 in Sudan, 50.8 in Iraq, 43.9 in Ukraine, 23.8 in Afghanistan, and 15.8 in Yemen.

The study said, the situation is further worsened by Israel’s restrictions on the entry of basic aids into the enclave, where only 10 percent of the weekly food aid that are necessary gets in, which again poses a serious risk of starvation for those who survive the brutal bombing. Human Rights Watch (HRW), a US-based rights group said Palestinians in Gaza have been “targeted, attacked, abused, and killed over the past year at a scale unprecedented in the recent history of Israel and Palestine.

It said that Israel has included “collective punishment that amount to war crimes and include the use of starvation as a method of warfare”, which also include the cutting off of basic services such as water, electricity, and blockade of most critical humanitarian aid to the war batter land.

The situation in the occupied West Bank was not better. HRW report said that during the first eight months of 2023, incidents of settler violence against Palestinians and their property had reached a highest daily average since UN started to record this data in 2006. According to Israel’s Prison Service, at least 3,291 Palestinians were held in administrative detention without charges or trial.

As per a report from Associated Press, researchers found that, Israel’s brutal bombing has damaged in the southern area of Khan Younis. or destroyed more than two-thirds of all structures in northern Gaza, and another quarter of buildings. It includes tens of thousands of homes as well as schools, hospitals, mosques, and stores. According to UN monitors, 70 percent of school building across the enclave has been damaged.

According to Gaza Health Ministry, over 23,469 Palestinians was killed by Israeli aggression, and 59,604 injured since October 7th. The Ministry said, Israeli occupation force carried out 10 mass killing within 24-hour reporting period, which caused death of 112 civilians and left 194 injured. Around 7,000 Palestinians remain missing under the rubble and are presumed dead.

This happens as South Africa presented its case against Israel for committing genocide on Palestinians in Gaza at the International Court of Justice in Hague. Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu called the accusation as “hypocrisy and lies”.