247 Palestinians, Including 48 Mothers And 117 Children Are Being Killed Each Day: Says South African Lawyer In The International Court Of Justice
As the two-day public hearing in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) began today (Thursday), on the case brought by South Africa against the “Genocidal acts” of Israel in Gaza, many countries across the world supported the African country for their move to prevent Israel from committing further atrocities in the strip.
While Israel is presenting its arguments on the lines that its acts in Gaza for self-defence, which has however killed more than 23,000 Palestinians so far, South Africa’s main argument is to protect the innocent Palestinian citizens against irreversible harm under the 1948 UN genocide convention, to which both Israel and Palestine have signed. The genocide convention continues to be violated with impunity, according to South Africa.
While countries such as Malaysia, Turkey, Jordan, Bolivia, the Maldives, Namibia, Pakistan, Columbia, and members of the Organization of Islamic Countries among others backed South Africa’s move in the ICJ, the United States, the major supporter and weapons supplier of Israel in its offensive against Gaza, supported Israel, with the Department of State spokesperson Matt Miller saying that the “allegations that Israel is committing genocide are unfounded.” The US however added that Israel should prevent civilian harm and said to investigate the allegations.
While arguing on the side of South Africa, Irish lawyer Blinne Ni Ghralaigh representing South Africa today pointed out the desperate situation of the people in Palestine: “The international community continues to fail the Palestinian people. The first genocide in history where its victims are broadcasting their own destruction in real time in the desperate so far vain hope that the world might do something.”
The lawyer also said that the increased number of orphans created by ‘Israel’s genocidal offensive on the Palestinians in Gaza’ has led to the formation of a new acronym: WCNSF – wounded child, no surviving family, Al Jazeera reported.
Pointing out the number of the grave crimes committed by Israel, Blinne Ni Ghralaigh said in the Court: “On the basis of the current figures, on average 247 Palestinians are being killed and are at risk of being killed each day, many of them literally blown to pieces. They include 48 mothers each day, two every hour and over 117 children each day, leaving Unicef to call Israel’s actions a war on children.”
“On current rates, which show no sign of abating, each day over 3 medics, 2 teachers, more than one UN employee and more than one journalist will be killed, many while at work or in what appeared to be targeted attacks on their family homes or where they are sheltered,” she said.
“Each day over 10 Palestinian children will have one or both legs amputated, many without anaesthetic. Each day, on current rates, an average of 3900 Palestinian homes will be damaged or destroyed, more mass graves will be dug, more cemeteries will be bulldozed and bombed, denying even the dead any dignity or peace,” Blinne Ni Ghralaigh said in her speech at the Court. The lawyer also said that Israel has been committing field executions as the images of the decomposing dead bodies surfaced.
While arguing in the Court, a South African representative also used a video, in which the Israeli soldiers were seen stating: “There are no innocent civilians.”