Abdullah Hammoud, The Democrat, Who Is Not Keen On Biden's Re Election

Until October 7, when the current Israel-Plaestine war started, Hammoud took Biden as a “transformative” President. But now, he believes the “genocide outweighs the impact of domestic policy”.

US Edited by Updated: Jun 22, 2024, 2:09 pm
Abdullah Hammoud, The Democrat, Who Is Not Keen On Biden's Re Election

Abdullah Hammoud, The Democrat, Who Is Not Keen On Biden's Re Election (ikmage@AHammoudMI)

Abdullah Hammoud, the first Muslim mayor of Dearborn, has now been thrust into the national spotlight for his outspoken criticism of fellow Democrat President Joe Biden’s unwavering support for Israel’s brutal military offensive in Gaza.

Hammoud grabbed headlines in January after he declined an invitation to meet with Biden campaign officials seeking to shore up the Muslim vote.

Since then, he helped galvanize a movement that saw over 100,000 voters mark “uncommitted” in Michigan’s Democratic primary in protest against Biden’s policy on Israel and was asked by Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein if he would be her running mate.

Hammoud, who is only 35 and is too young to meet the Constitutional requirement to accept the role, said the offer was “very humbling.”

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Urging both parties to pay close attention to the rapidly increasing public condemnation on Israel’s action against Gaza, Hammoud said he “would say that no presidential candidate has earned my vote.”

Hammoud is unsure of how he will cast the vote. He said, “if you look at all the polling data that’s emerging across the country, from coast to coast, the issues that we have been advocating for, fighting for… are issues that have popular support.”

The demands include a permanent ceasefire, and provide safe pathways for the exchange of all the hostages and prisoners, undisturbed humanitarian aid, and an end to the supply of ammunitions to Israel.

Hammoud, the son of Lebanese immigrants, was drawn to the Democratic Party for its support of the labour movement. He is repelled by the Republicans, whom he says have a history of “demonizing Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and other people of colour.”

After becoming the mayor of Dearborn Heights, a city that had been marred by the reputation of racism for decades, Hammoud appointed the city’s first Arab-American police chief, which led to a drastic drop in tickets issued to Black drivers within a year, according to his spokesman.

Until October 7, when the current Israel-Plaestine war started, Hammoud took Biden as a “transformative” President. But now, he believes the “genocide outweighs the impact of domestic policy”.

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Citing the Republican’s arming of Saudi Arabia against Yemen, the backing of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and shifting the US embassy to Jerusalem. The Democrat believe that Trump, who imposed a Muslim travel ban during his tenure, would be an utter disaster.

He also speak against his fellow Democrats who have voiced frustration at members of his community for potentially paving the way for Trump’s return by withholding their support for Biden.

He said, “the question should be asked of President Joe Biden — what will he do to prevent Trump being reelected come this November? What will he do to help prevent the unravelling of American democracy and the fabric of our society?”

(With inputs from agencies)