Bed Bug Infestation Creating Crisis in Paris Ahead Of Olympics

World Edited by Updated: Oct 05, 2023, 9:51 pm
Bed Bug Infestation Creating Crisis in Paris Ahead Of Olympics

Bed Bug Infestation Creating Crisis in Paris Ahead Of Olympics

Bed bug infestation is creating havoc in Paris, and it has been spotted in homes, airport, trains, and movie theatres. As Paris is only months away from Olympics 2024, French authorities have began a drive to eradicate the pests.

People took to social media and have posted the videos of the pests in trains, buses, and at Charles de Gaulle Airport.

On the bed bug crisis, the capital”s deputy mayor, Emmanuel Gregoire wrote on X that “No one is safe.” He added that in order to handle bed bug crisis “coordinated measures” are must; for that, health authorities, communities, and other relevant stakeholders need to be brought together “to prevent the risk and act effectively.”

In a letter to Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, Mr. Gregoire said: “The state urgently needs to put an action plan in place against this scourge as France is preparing to welcome the Olympic and Paralympic games in 2024,” reports Reuters.

Similarly, Transport Minister Clement Beaune announced that he would held meeting with representatives of public transportation companies to discuss countermeasures of bed bug infestation.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Bed bugs are small, flat, parasitic insects live by feeding blood of the people and animals. They are wingless, reddish-brown in colour and can survive several months without a blood meal.

Though bed bugs are not dangerous in terms of spreading diseases, sometimes their bite responses, besides physical signs may cause serious allergic reaction requiring medical attention.

The ministry of energy transition in their website states that rise of bed bugs might be because of international travel and resistance to insecticides, sky news reports.