Canada: Speaker Antony Rota Steps Down Over Nazi Veteran Controversy

World Edited by Updated: Sep 27, 2023, 4:44 pm
Canada: Speaker Antony Rota Steps Down Over Nazi Veteran Controversy

Canada: Speaker Antony Rota Stepped Down From The Position Over The Conflict Of Honouring Nazi Veteran In The Parliament (image: instagram @FSWC)

Antony Rota, Speaker of Canadian Parliament, resigned on Tuesday. After the rather “embarrassing” incident of lauding a Nazi veteran with standing ovations, Mr. Rota has been under mounting pressure of the call for his resign.

During Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky”s visit to Ottawa last week, Mr. Rota honoured 98 year old Yaroslav Hunka, hailing him as “war hero” and “Canadian hero”. Mr. Zelensky and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau too gave standing ovation to the Nazi veteran, who worked for Hitler in World War II. Later Mr. Trudeau remarked the incident to be “deeply embarrassing”.

Following the incident, the interim government of Canada faced a surge of backlashes for being “irresponsible” and “embarrassing” the country in front of the world. Opposition leader, Pierre Poilievre verbally thwarted Mr. Trudeau for “hiding under the rock” and throwing Mr. Rota “under the bus”. Several political leaders called for Mr. Rota and Mr. Trudeau”s resignation.

Mr. Poilievre stated that Mr. Rota”s resignation “does not excuse Justin Trudeau”s failure to have his massive diplomatic and intelligence apparatus vet and prevent honouring a Nazi”.

He also asked that “will Trudeau accept responsibility for what happens in his government or is he just irresponsible?”

Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre demanded Mr. Rota to step down from the position.

They also tweeted about welcoming Antony Rota”s resignation as an “aftermath” of his recognition of the Nazi veteran as ‘war hero’.

Responding to the backlashes against the government, Karina Gould, leader of the Government in the House of Commons clarified that the decision to honour Mr. Hunka was the Speaker”s alone and the “government played no role” in it. And the “PM did not meet him”.  And urged the MPs to “avoid politicizing this incident”.

Michelle Rampel Garner, Canadian MP hit back at Karina Gould about her claim on no one “met” with Mr. Hunka before the Parliamentary session with her own photograph with Mr. Hunka that she posted on Instagram.

To this the leader of the Government responded that she was not aware of Mr. Hunka”s identity like all other MPs and as a descendent of Jewish Holocaust survivors, all parliamentarians should avoid politicizing the troubling issue.

As per report, Russia, who have claimed all Ukrainians to be Nazis and called its invasion on Ukraine as an attempt of “denazifying”, takes this opportunity to turn countries against Ukraine who is on the run to gain as many allies as possible.

For the past few days Canada has been on the front row in catching eyeballs with its diplomatic stand-off with India and now this egg on the face situation infront of the world. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been receiving backlashes for his “irresposible” attitude and taking the country”s reputation downhill with him.