Denmark Introduces Bill That Prohibits Burning Of Quran

World Edited by Updated: Dec 08, 2023, 1:18 pm
Denmark Introduces Bill That Prohibits Burning Of Quran

Denmark Introduces Bill That Prohibits Burning Of Quran (image @ pixabay)

Parliament of Denmark passed a bill making the burning of Quran illegal in public places. The move was after raising of security issues due to wide protest from Muslim nations over the desecration of Islam’s holy book. From the total seats of 179, 94 voted in favour of the bill while 77 voted against it.

The bill prohibited the “inappropriate treatment of writing with significant religious importance for a recognised religious community”. Before the bill comes to effect, Queen Margrethe should sign the bill, which is expected to happen by the end of this month. As per the bill, it is forbidden to tear, burn or defile the holy texts in any way publicly or in videos that are intended to propagate widely. Those who break the law will be fined or imprisoned for two years.

The Ministry of Justice of the country claimed the purpose of the bill as a counter move to curb the “systematic mockery” that has contributed to the increasing terrorism threat in Denmark.

Denmark and Sweden has seen a series of anti-Islam protest this where activists burned or damaged Quran, which sparked with the Muslims who demanded the government to ban such practice. According to national police figures, between July 21 and October 24, 483 book burning and flag burnings were reported from Denmark, as said Al Jazeera.

The bill was initially introduced in August. It was amended after facing criticism that said the first draft limited the freedom pf expression. The first draft of the bill prohibited the “improper treatment of objects of significant religious significance to a religious community”.

This is not the first time Denmark has been at the centre of Muslim world’s wrath. In 2006, one of the Danish newspaper published 12 cartoons that mocked Prophet Muhammed. This has led to a violent anti-Denmark protest among the Muslims all across the globe.