It Is "Hard To Believe" Islamic State Could Have Launched The Attack On Moscow, Says Russia

World Edited by Updated: Mar 28, 2024, 11:11 am
It Is

It Is "Hard To Believe" Islamic State Could Have Launched The Attack On Moscow, Says Russia

The final death toll from the Moscow concert hall attack could be higher than the already confirmed 143, said media report. Russian investigators said they have received more than 100 reports of missing people. It is not clarified that how many people that are accounted as missing are in the confirmed death toll list.

Russia faced one of the deadliest terror attack last week when gunmen opened fire at Crocus City Hall on the outskirts of Moscow. Reportedly, the miscreants shot civilians at point blank before setting the hall on fire, which caused the roof of the hall to collapse while people are still inside.

Russian Social media platforms are since filled with appeals from friends and families seeking to help find the victims are still missing. Many people were thought to be dead due to inhaling smoke from the fire. Immediately after the attacks, ISIS claimed responsibility of the attack and shared video of gunmen infiltrating the building, said CNN.

However, Russian President, Vladimir Putin held on to the belief that Ukraine is responsible in the attack, even though Kyiv said it had nothing to do with the attack. Putin said a “window” had been prepared for the attackers to escape to Ukraine.

Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman of Russian Foreign Minister said it was extremely “hard to believe” that Islamic State would have had the capacity to launch an attack at Moscow. She asserted that Ukraine has a link to the attack.

She said the West has rushed to pin the blame to the Islamic State. She said, “In order to ward off suspicions from the collective West, they urgently needed to come up with something, so they resorted to ISIS, pulled an ace out of their sleeve, and literally a few hours after the terrorist attack, the Anglo-Saxon media began disseminating precisely these versions”, as quoted by Reuters.

Russia had arrested 11 people in connection with attack, four of the arrested were suspected to be among the gunmen. They were citizens of former Soviet republic of Tajikistan.