Muhammed Muizzu "Hopes" To Resolve Indian Troop Issue Within First Week Of His Term

World Edited by Updated: Oct 18, 2023, 6:44 pm
Muhammed Muizzu

Muhammed Muizzu "Hopes" to Resolve Indian Troop Issue With in First Week Of His Term

Muhammed Muizzu, the new President-elect of Maldives said he will fulfill his promise of removing the Indian military personnel from the archipelago. He said he plans to achieve his promise through “diplomatic channels”. According to Times Of India, Mr. Muizzi “hopes” to see the “Indian Troops” leave within the first week of his tenure.

Mr. Muizzu will formally take up the charge of Maldives from next month onwards. In an interview with AL Jazeera, Muhammed Muizzu, who was widely seen as a “pro-China” leader said he would seek India to aid in removing its troop from Maldives. He said he would do that from the very first day after taking over the power of President of Maldives. He remarked the “task” to be of his “top priority”.

Mr. Muizzu admitted that he was not aware of the total number of Indian military personnel in the land of Maldives. He said that he had met with Indian high commissioner and notified about them about the issue to be given top priority, to which the Indian high commissioner replied to “work together” and “find a way forward on this”.

According to the President-elect of the “treasure Island” said they don’t feel secure in the presence of military troops in their soil. He claimed that Maldives have been a very peaceful country for centuries and they “do not have a big military set up”. When asked about the alleged slant toward China and Maldives foreign policy, Mr. Muizzu replied that “we will not side with any country to please them, we want our interest to be secured first. Any country, which respects that, will be our good friend”.

Muhammed Moizzu also criticised the incumbent government on failing to secure the Island’s Maldivian sovereignty and independence. The current government of Maldives, which is led by President Ibrahim Mohammed Solih, who is widely called as a “pro-India” leader, do not share any disregard about the Indian troops in Maldives. Mr. Muizzu claims it to be the exact reason why the  Maldivians did not choose the current government for one more time and the people of Maldives do not encourage the presence of Indian troop in Maldives. Mr. Muizzu’s promise to his people include a “transparent and accountable” government.