North Korea Fires Suspected Ballistic Missiles Towards Sea: Japan PMO

World Edited by Updated: Jan 14, 2024, 1:58 pm
North Korea Fires Suspected Ballistic Missiles Towards Sea: Japan PMO

North Korea Fires Suspected Ballistic Missiles Towards Sea: Japan PMO

North Korea fired a suspected ballistic missile On Sunday, the country’s neighbouring nation Japan”s prime minister”s office announced in a post on X (formerly Twitter). The new action from North Korea comes amid its leader Kim Jong Un’s pledge to enhance the nuclear strike capabilities of the nation to confront potential threats.

At least one missile was launched towards waters off the country’s east coast, Japan’s Coast Guard and South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said, Bloomberg reported. However, there is no further information or details about the strike.

The latest missile strike by North Korea is the first missile launch of the country in 2024. North Korea has in recent months increased its rhetoric against its rivals, causing tensions in the region. The country”s supreme leader Kim Jong Un had in his visit to munition sites said that it will exterminate South Korea if provoked, calling the South Korea as North Korea’s “principal enemy.”

If South Korea dares to use its military force against North Korea, “We will have no hesitation in annihilating (South Korea) by mobilising all means and forces in our hands,” Kim said last week

Analyst says that the North Korean leader will make more rhetoric by test-firing more missiles to make the face-off with the rivals more visible in the wake of the parliamentary election in North Korea in April. Experts also say that Kim wants to influence the US election too, which is scheduled for November as he wants Donald Trump to be re-elected.

The US had condemned a missile transfer between North Korea and Russia last week saying that Russia fired ballistic missiles provided by North Korea towards Ukraine. However, Kim had in December last year asserted to expand his nuclear arsenal to, what many believe, confront the US-led moves against North Korea.