Sexual Relations With 58 Subordinates, Bribery: China's "Beautiful Governor" Sentenced To 13 Years

Carrying condoms in her handbag, Yang was frequently seen in private nightclubs, and the woman is said to have approximately 58 lovers. 

Chinese official Zhong Yang Edited by Updated: Sep 21, 2024, 11:00 am
Sexual Relations With 58 Subordinates, Bribery: China's

Sexual Relations With 58 Subordinates, Bribery: China's "Beautiful Governor" Sentenced To 13 Yrs (Photo on X @ekonomat_pl)

China recently jailed a 52-year-old female official to 13 years imprisonment along with imposing a fine of one million yuan (around Rs 1.18 crore) for several misconducts, including taking bribes and having illicit sexual relationships with around 58 subordinates.

According to the media house South China Moring Post, the notorious female official, Zhong Yang, served as the governor and deputy secretary of the Party in Qiannan prefecture, Guizhou province. During her tenure, she was called the “beautiful governor” for her striking look. Yang has not married or had any children.

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Yang joined the Community Party at 22, and Zhong Yang rose to the rank of deputy in the National People’s Congress (NPC). She gained recognition for several initiatives she carried out. However, a documentary produced by Guizhou Radio and Television in January brought some of the negative and dark side of the former governor’s career. According to the report by the Chinese media house, Yang engaged in corruption and used her position to ensure her favourite companies received lucrative government contracts.

Reports cited an instance involving a businessman the woman official had a close relationship with, noting that she approved the development of 170,000 square meters of land in a hi-tech industrial estate. The businessman then converted the land for real estate development, allegedly bribing Yang.

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Moreover, Yang has also been accused of stifling the growth of private companies by neglecting small companies that she has no personal ties with. Yang is further accused of engaging in numerous affairs with male subordinates, finding reasons such as overtime work and business trips, and keeping male lovers.

Reports claim that while several men chose to be her lover for the multiple advantages she offered, some reluctantly maintained the relationship with Yang out of fear of her power. Carrying condoms in her handbag, Yang was frequently seen in private nightclubs, and the woman is said to have approximately 58 lovers, says the report.

A private business owner has alleged that Zhong neglected companies without personal ties to her, which stifled the growth of private business in the region.

It was in April 2023 that the Guizhou government initiated an investigation into the female official’s misconduct, which led to her sentencing and a hefty fine for corruption. In September, Yang was expelled from the Communist Party and also ousted from public office.

However, Yang has expressed regret over her act and remembered her parents’ upbringing of her with purity, stating that they told her that her work should be like the dish, clean and pure. She reflected that after she became an employee, her parents would prepare a simple dish of green vegetables and boiled tofu each Chinese New Year while giving her advice. She regrets that she could not follow their directions.