US And UK Launches New Wave Of Strikes On Houthis In Yemen

World Edited by Updated: Feb 04, 2024, 4:59 pm
US And UK Launches New Wave Of Strikes On Houthis In Yemen

US And UK Launches New Wave Of Strikes On Houthis In Yemen (image- twitter/CENTCOM)

The United States and the United Kingdom launched a new wave of strikes on Houthis in Yemen on Saturday. The night launched joined airstrike struck 35 Houthis at 13 locations in Yemen, reports CBS news.

The attack was launched in retaliation for the group’s continued attack on international shipping. This is the third strike since January 11. U.S. Central Command said its forces conducted an additional strike on Sunday “in self-defense against a Houthi anti-ship cruise missile prepared to launch against ships in the Red Sea,” according to a post on X.

As per the joint statement released on behalf of all nations involved in the attack, the militaries of Australia, Bahrain, Canada, the Netherlands, and New Zealand also provided support.

The strike against Houthis was launched by US warships and American and British fighter jets. The strike followed an air assault in Iraq and Syria on Friday that targeted other militia and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in retaliation for the drone strike that killed three US troops in Jordan last weekend.

The US warned the Houthis their response after the soldier’s death at the Tower 22 base in Jordan last Sunday would not be limited to one night or one target group. The Houthis have been conducting raids and missile attacks on commercial and military ships transiting in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. They have already announced their stance that they will not take a step backward and will continue to campaign until the war in Gaza is halted. The Houthi group which controls almost the large area of Yemen began launching the attacks in an act of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a Houthi official, said “military operations against Israel will continue until the crimes of genocide in Gaza are stopped and the siege on its residents is lifted, no matter the sacrifices it costs us, says AP.

He further added that the US aggression on Yemen will also not go unanswered and “we will meet escalation with escalation”. The Houthis attack on container ships has forced the shipping companies to opt for alternate routes, sending them around Africa through the Cape of Good Hope. This route is more lengthier and hence costlier and less efficient passage.