What Canada Have In Store For International Students

World Edited by Updated: Sep 13, 2023, 7:14 pm
What Canada Have In Store For International Students

What Canada Have In Store For International Students (image @ pixabay)

Canada always makes the highest noise when it comes to welcoming international students. With 800 colleges and 16,000 universities, there were 807,750 international students by the end of 2022, as per Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

But why Canada ?. What does Canada offer?.  The answer is very visible. Five major attractions of Canada as a study destination are:

Canada is affordable. It is a feasible option for International students to study and work both part time and full time. Canada have varieties of options for qualified students to apply for Canadian scholarships which aid them in cutting down academic expenses. Several programmes offer placements and internships enabling students to gain first-hand experience while they study.

While the cost is cheap, the quality does not lack class. Canada offers high quality and flexible options for international students. Students does not need to be worried about shuttling from pillar to post if they wanted to change types and levels of educational plan they chose.

Canada is well known for their research and development. Canada offers a wide range of subjects inspiring students to pursue their studies. International students and researchers flock to Canada to conduct research with advantages provided by the Canadian government and organizations as they cover the cost of the research.

Government regulations enable international students to work on campus or part-time for 20 hours per week while they study. International students can also apply for Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) and work for up to three years after their graduation. Students are also eligible to apply for permanent residence in Canada after working for 1 year.

The picturesque landscapes and vibrant cultures are alluring. Canada have myriads of adventures and memorable experiences folded up on its sleeve for the international students. Pleasant climate, maple leaves paved streets and heady aromas of Canadian butter tarts, Canada offers a tour de force experiences.