ICSE Class 10 Exams 2025 To Begin Tomorrow; Instructions And Guidelines
The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) is commencing the ICSE class 10 board exams on February 18, 2025. The exams will end on March 27, 2025, with the first exam of English language starting at 11 am. The exam duration will be 2 hours and students must follow specific guidelines set by the council.
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Important Instructions for Students
- Candidates must reach the examination hall at least 30 minutes ahead of the exam start.
- Students will not be allowed to leave the examination hall before the exam ends.
- In case any additional materials including a map are required students must inform the supervising examiner.
- Students must read the instructions given on the first page of the question paper, including the number of questions to attempt.
- Students are advised to answer only the number of questions specified in the question paper.
- Students must write on both sides of each sheet. They should leave a margin on both the left and right sides of the page and start each new part of the question on a separate line.
- The question number must be written clearly on the left margin at the beginning of each answer. They should not copy question and must use the question number.
- A line should be left after each answer.
- Students must try to write in neat handwritting and correct spelling.
- Black and blue pens can be used for writting and only pencils for diagrams making.
- Students can bring mathematical and drawing insturments, colour pencils, for subjects that require them. Electronic devices and calculators are strictly prohibited.
- Students will be given additional 15 minutes to read the question paper.
- STudents must read the question carefully and avoid writing unnecessary information, as no marks will be given for the irrelevant information.
- The continuation booklets will be given after the main answer booklet is filled completely.
- Any rough work should be done in the answer booklet, instead of any separate sheets.
- Students must ensure that their answer sheets are arranged in sequential order and the first page is at the top. The UID, Index Number, Subject must be written on the the answer sheets.
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