Strategies To Score Good In CBSE Board Exams 2024

Education Edited by Updated: Feb 21, 2024, 2:36 pm
Strategies To Score Good In CBSE Board Exams 2024

Strategies To Score Good In CBSE Board Exams 2024

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” -General Colin Powell

The above quote certainly holds true as we approach that time of the year, where our students are preparing for their board exams, parents are worried about the results and teachers are trying to prepare and motivate their students in every possible way.

With Board exams approaching, it is very important for the students to keep few important points in mind. Ms. Vaneet Kaur, PGT-Commerce, Manav Rachna International School, Noida, advised students who are appearing for the Class 10 and 12 Board Exam about the key to calm and perform well.


Few general points to be considered while students are preparing for their exams. These will certainly help them to score well in their board exams.

A Positive Mindset certainly helps to achieve the goal:

It is very important to make sure is student is well motivated by the teachers and parents. Motivation and a desire to succeed are important qualities that cannot be developed overnight. Having a positive mindset definitely helps student to perform well.

Design a Study Plan According to the date sheet and time:

Designing a study plan is the best way to ensure that a student covers all important topics and also devotes required amount of time to each subject.

Take Mock Tests to Assess Your Level of Preparedness

Taking mock test on a regular basis helps a student to know and check the level of preparation for the exams.

Attempting mock test or sample papers and timing them helps a student to get an experience to attempt board exam in an effective way.

Use Mnemonics and Memory Aids 

There are few topics that a student may find difficult to learn or memorize, in such cases they can create their own mnemonics and memory aids to help them learn difficult topics. It can be done by  groups of words, or images.

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

it is important for a student to identify and know strengths and weaknesses and work on them. These help them to know well in advance where they must focus.

Take Regular Breaks and Stay Hydrated

Taking breaks during a study session helps a student to maintain a healthy and a fresh mind which would help to retain the information learned.

Take a Balanced & Nutritious Diet

Eating healthy helps a student to be able to remain in the best of health and prevent from any type of illness.

Eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, get eight hours of sleep every day, and exercise regularly to keep your body energized.


Here are some tips to help students to answer the questions in the best way possible. Students must:

  1. Wisely Utilise first 15 minutes (reading time) and analyse what they know the best.
  2. Highlight the main points or key words within each question and read the question carefully.
  3. Write answers in points ONLY – This is the best way to present answer and certainly helps to fetch maximum marks.
  4. Present answers with the help of illustrations like charts, graphs and cartoons (if applicable). This would definitely give a better impression and help to present your answers in a better way.
  5. Adhere to the word limits while answering, It will definitely save time and help to bring out only main points.
  6. Underline or highlight the key points or key words as this helps bring attention of the examiner.
  7. Must attempt all questions, even if they are unsure of any answer, there might a possibility of getting some marks rather than not attempting it at all.
  8. Try to write sub points as given in NCERT book.