Quick Tips To Prepare Well For CBSE Class 12 English Exam

Education Updated: Feb 20, 2024, 12:18 pm
Quick Tips To Prepare Well For CBSE Class 12 English Exam

As we all know CBSE Board exams have started already and students must be juggling through Textbooks, Personal Notes, Revision Notes, Practice Sets, PYQs, and many more study materials. The pressure over every student”s mind is certain and to lighten their anxiety we talked to Neha Shrivastava, PGT English, St Johns School, Noida Extension.

Ms. Shrivastava shared some amazing tips for those who are appearing for the Class 12 English Board Exam on February 22.

Here is what Ms Neha told the students:

“Dear Amazing Students,

As we sail closer to the shores of the CBSE English Exam – XII, let”s navigate these waters with confidence and a sprinkle of cheer!

Here Are Some Quick Tips to Make Your Preparation Smoother Than a Water Slide.

Before the Big Show:

Spend your 15-minute reading time wisely. Focus on those Unseen Passages like a detective on a mission and not on the entire question paper. 🕵️‍♀️Trust me, the passages hold the key to victory! (Total of 22 marks) 😎

Unseen Passages and writing skills are like the game code of this exam. 🎮🕹️. Crack them swiftly within the first half-hour, including the reading time. Smooth sailing ahead! (22+18=40) 🥹🥹

Reading Section:

Peek at the questions before diving into the passages. It”s like getting a sneak preview of the blockbuster movie!

Practice makes perfect! Aim for 3-4 reading comprehension a day. It”s like flexing those muscles before hitting the weights in the Gym!

Writing Section:

Revise those formats like you”re rehearsing for a grand performance. Three times is the charm!

Remember the beginnings and endings of your essays. Prepare them during these days. It’s been provided to you in the form of an introduction to your classwork.

And oh, mind those word limits!  Not Too Short, Not Too Long, But Just Right!

Literature Section

Dive into those chapters. No chapter should be left behind! 💯

Start with the big fish first, THE LONG QUESTIONS. It”s like gobbling up the Broccoli before dessert!

Summaries and points to remember are your secret weapons. Don”t leave them! Study them.

Remember, even if you don”t know the answer, scribble something about the chapter, story, or characters. Who knows, you might stumble upon buried perspective!

Don’t ask doubts in the examination hall. At least attempt. No negative marking. Remember!!!

And no cheating! We”re on this adventure together, honorably!

Have faith in your preparations, for you shine the brightest among the constellations. Stay calm, stay bright! All the Best! 🌟✨📚”