3 Keys To Score Good In Science Exam - Diagram, Equations, And Examples

Education Edited by Updated: Feb 18, 2024, 1:58 pm
3 Keys To Score Good In Science Exam - Diagram, Equations, And Examples

3 Keys To Score Good In Science Exam - Diagram, Equations, And Examples

As we all know that CBSE board exams have started on February 15. Every student has pulled up their socks to give best in the examination. Some have prepared well in advance but few might still be struggling to perform well.

Sometimes those who did not cover the entire syllabus in advance can manage to score high in the exam by strategizing the last-minute preparation in a well-defined way.

CBSE 10th Science exam is scheduled to be held on March 2, 2024. We are bringing to you some important tips from expert teachers that can help you to score well.

Priyanka Singh, TGT Natural Science, Govt. Co. Ed. Senior Secondary School – Laxmi Bai Nagar, Delhi, provided us with some important insights on performing well in exams.

CBSE Science Exam 2024: Important Tips

Comprehensive Syllabus Coverage: The foremost thing is to cover the syllabus comprehensively. Students should focus on deeper knowledge of the subject instead of superficial reading of every chapter.

Even if you can cover only 70-80 % of the syllabus it can help you to score above 75% in the exam. But remember the key is the comprehensive understanding of the topics.

For the remaining 20-30% of the syllabus which is left behind, students can practice through mock tests or studying Previous Year Questions (PYQs).

The question paper is prepared from NCERTs and especially focuses on the information provided in the boxes in the chapters.

Understand the Marking Scheme: It is advisable to study the PYQs to understand the marking scheme. It is very important to write precise and to-the-point answers.

PYQs will give you information about the marks breaking. For example, for a 5-mark question from Chemistry, 1 mark is given for reaction, 1 for definition, 2 marks for example, and 1 mark for diagram. For 5 marks question if you have provided enough information on one page, then it is advisably sufficient.

For instance, while writing answers for 2 marks and you have written answers in 3 lines then it is more than sufficient.

The number of lines and pages does not matter rather what matters is your content clarity and the right information.

Answer Writing Practice: To complete the exam in the given time it is also important to manage writing time by practicing answer writing through PYQs.

Around 4-5, PYQ Papers of 3 hours each are sufficient to manage time in the examination hall. Students are advised to set a timer while solving these papers.

This will help them to complete the entire question paper in the given time. This helps increase the writing speed and also informs about the type and amount of content written in exams by the students.

Diagrams, Equations, and Examples are the Key: To score high in the Science exam it is very important to provide Diagrams, Equations, or Reactions and suitable examples from your syllabus in your answer. For example, if the question asks you to explain Photosynthesis, it is always recommended to quote the Photosynthesis reaction, its cycle diagram, and sufficient plant examples in your answer.

This will help you to save time and will leave a positive impression on the evaluator.

It also gives one additional advantage that if the student had made any mistake in writing the wrong definition but provided the right information in equation and diagram then marks will not be deducted.

First 15 Minutes For Strategy: Most students make the big mistake of starting writing as the paper comes into their hands. Instead, the first 15 minutes will help you to write smoothly for the next 3 hours.

These 15 minutes will help you to strategize about the questions you should cover first. It will help you to navigate the unnecessary stress during the exam.

The best way is to carefully read the question paper multiple times in the first 15 minutes. The questions you know the best should be attempted at first.

Correct Sequencing is Important:  One of the most important things is to number the questions correctly. In case you forget to write the question number it gives a wrong impression to the evaluator and impacts marks.

Highlighting Important Points: Students can highlight the important points in the answers using a pencil by underlining them. It is also advisable to use only a blue pen while writing the exam.

Good Luck With The Exam!