CBSE Announces Live Webcast On Modalities To Conduct Board Exams

Education Edited by Updated: Feb 15, 2024, 3:12 pm
CBSE Announces Live Webcast On Modalities To Conduct Board Exams

CBSE Announces Live Webcast On Modalities To Conduct Board Exams

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has put all the required efforts into the seamless conduct of class 10 and 12 exams, which started today. As part of preparations, CBSE informed about organising a Live Webcast to ensure foolproof planning and modalities for the successful conduct of examinations.

Through a notification issued on its official website board informed about the live webcast held on Friday, February 16, 2024. The webinar will start at 2 PM and go on for approximately 1 ½ hours. The upcoming live webinar will be conducted to ensure policy compliance in the conduct and evaluation of examinations, to explain the exam- guidelines, and to discuss the roles and responsibilities of various functionaries.

The central board informed that “each year, planning for the conduct of examination and evaluation is updated based on the past years’ experience and every year a new set of schools are also included in the list of affiliated schools”. So, the board says that it becomes essential to communicate the amended policies with the institutions.

The webinar will involve Centre Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, City Coordinators, and Observers.  Under the information available in the notice, all schools are compulsorily asked to make arrangements to watch a Live Webcast under the Supervision of the Principal. The live webinar will be available on the YouTube channel and the link to join the webinar is also provided in the official release.

All teachers teaching Class 9-12 and other staff involved in the conduct of examination and evaluation are also advised to watch the webcast to note down important instructions regarding their role in the examination and evaluation process.

In addition, schools are advised to upload particular data to the ASAR app, which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. This data must include a geotagged photo of each participant and the total number of people who attended the webcast.

The Live Webcast will begin with the keynote address of Nidhi Chhibber, Chairperson of CBSE, and it aims to prepare all the institutions to conduct the examination successfully, the board informs.

Class 10 examinations are scheduled to run until March 13, while Class 12 exams will run through April 2.