Actor Ravi Mohan, who just set a trend with his recent romantic release Kadhalika Neramillai, is now gearing up with this next venture. The actor amused the audience and fans with a bunch of changes and has joined hands with the Dada director Ganesh K Babu. The makers unveiled an interesting update today.
With an interesting teaser, the upcoming political film of actor Ravi Mohan was announced today.
Titled Karathey Babu, Ganesh K Babu’s directorial stars Shakthi Vasudevan, K.S. Ravi Kumar, Nasser, VTV Ganesh, Subramaniam Siva, Kavithalayaa Krishnan, Pradeep Antony, Raj, Raja Rani Pandian, Sandeep Raj, and Knife Naren.
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So, let’s talk about the interesting title teaser released today. Aligning with the current scenario of Ravi Mohan, the teaser discusses the past name of the protagonist, who is a politician. Sounds interesting, isn’t it?
The teaser, set against the legislative assembly, introduces Ravi Mohan as MLA of RK Nagar, Chennai. And the interesting discussion of the politicians about the actor’s past name begins, thus introducing the title Karathey Babu.
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Check out the title teaser here:
மாண்புமிகு தமிழக மக்களே !!#கராத்தே_பாபு எனும் நான் … #KaratheyBabu
Dir by @ganeshkbabu
A @samcsmusic Musical
Produced by #SundarArumugam @Screensceneoffl #RM34 #RaviMohan— Ravi Mohan (@iam_RaviMohan) January 29, 2025
The latest Pongal release of the actor Kadhalika Neramillai, directed by Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi, received mixed reactions from fans and is witnessing average numbers at the box office.
The upcoming films of the actor include Genie, SK 25, and Thani Oruvan 2, and he is preparing to sign more intriguing films to strike well at the box office.