Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is recovering after a brutal attack at his Mumbai residence early this morning. The incident occurred around 2:30 am when an intruder entered the Bandra home shared by Saif and his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan. Saif reportedly intervened in a heated altercation between the assailant and a housekeeper, resulting in severe injuries. He sustained six wounds, including two deep cuts, one dangerously close to his spine.
Kareena, their children Taimur and Jeh, and other household members were unharmed in the attack. Saif underwent surgery at Lilavati Hospital and is now out of danger but remains in intensive care for observation. The Mumbai police are investigating the incident, with CCTV footage providing crucial evidence. Authorities suspect the housekeeper may have facilitated the intruder’s entry and have detained her for questioning. Seven police teams have been deployed to track the suspect, who fled the scene.
In the wake of the incident, Kareena Kapoor Khan issued a heartfelt appeal to the media and paparazzi, urging them to respect her family’s privacy. “It has been an incredibly challenging day for our family, and we are still trying to process the events that have unfolded,” she said. “While we appreciate the concern and support, the constant scrutiny and attention are not only overwhelming but also pose a significant risk to our safety. I kindly request that you respect our boundaries and give us the space we need to heal and cope as a family.”
The attack has sparked political outrage, with leaders criticising Maharashtra’s security apparatus. Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Aaditya Thackeray called the incident “shocking” and evidence of rising crime in the state. Congress spokesperson Atul Londhe questioned the safety of ordinary citizens, while NCP patriarch Sharad Pawar demanded urgent action from the government.
As investigations continue, Kareena concluded her statement with gratitude: “I would like to thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation during this sensitive time.”