Thrissur, Kerala: In a traditional ceremony filled with familial warmth and cultural grandeur, actor Kalidas Jayaram, son of Malayalam and Tamil actors couple Parvathi and Jayaram, and model Tarini Kalingarayar, who belongs to an aristocratic family in Tamil Nadu, tied the knot at the revered Guruvayur Shri Krishna Temple on the morning of December 8, 2024. The couple exchanged vows in an intimate setting surrounded by family and close friends, radiating joy in their meticulously styled traditional attire.
Kalidas donned a red mundu styled in a classic panchakacham, while Tarini dazzled in a crimson saree intricately embroidered with gold. The ceremony witnessed notable guests, including Union Minister Suresh Gopi and Kerala’s Minister Muhammad Riyas. Kalidas expressed his heartfelt emotions, calling the wedding a cherished dream and a new chapter in his life.
Jayaram, reflecting on the family’s history, noted that he and Parvathy had also married in front of Lord Krishna decades ago. “Welcoming Tarini into our family feels like a blessing,” he said, honouring her lineage as part of the illustrious Kalingarayar zamindar family of Chennai.
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Tarini Kalingarayar: Beauty, Brains, and Roots
Tarini Kalingarayar, a celebrated model and beauty queen, hails from a prominent zamindar family in Tamil Nadu. With a degree in Visual Communication from M.O.P. Vaishnav College, she began her modelling career at 16 and gained recognition as a finalist and third runner-up in Miss Diva 2021. Her accolades also include the titles of Miss Tamil Nadu and Miss South India runner-up.
Beyond the glitz, Tarini shares a deep bond with her family, particularly her mother, who raised her and her sister amidst challenging circumstances. Known for her passion for photography, Tarini often escapes to her grandfather’s Nilgiris estate for solace. Her relationship with Kalidas became public in 2022 when they celebrated Onam with his family and later shared snapshots of their Dubai getaway.
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Reports said the model’s grandfather was a Rajya Sabha member. As per Parliament records, there is a mention of a Mohanraj Kalingarayar, but Timeline is not sure he is the grandfather reports are mentioning.
Tarini, who has over 280k Instagram followers, reportedly, has crores in wealth as she is engaged in advertising and modelling gigs. Reports said she owns an Audi and a house in Chennai.
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Kalidas Jayaram: The Actor with a Legacy
Kalidas Jayaram, born on December 16, 1993, to acting legends Jayaram and Parvathy, made his cinematic debut as a child artist in Kochu Kochu Santhoshangal (2000). His role in Ente Veedu Appuvinteyum (2003) earned him the National Film Award for Best Child Artist. After pursuing a degree in Visual Communication from Loyola College, Chennai, he transitioned to leading roles in Tamil and Malayalam films. Recent highlights include his performances in Vikram (2022) and *Raayan* (2024).
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Known for his mimicry skills and charm, Kalidas carved a niche in the film industry while carrying forward his family’s illustrious acting legacy.
Fans first spotted Tarini Kalingarayar with Kalidas Jayaram’s family during Onam celebrations in 2022, sparking mild curiosity but no confirmation about their relationship. It wasn’t until October of the same year that Kalidas made things official by sharing a candid photo of the couple enjoying a vacation in Dubai. The image left no doubt about their romance, marking a significant milestone in their journey. The couple later got engaged in 2023, further cementing their commitment and delighting their followers.
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