The Malayalam directorial debut of director Gautham Vasudev Menon, Dominic And The Ladies’ Purse, is receiving positive reviews from critics and fans alike. At this moment, the one thing that the fans of GVM are anticipating is the release of his 2017 film, Dhuruva Natchathiram. The recent interviews of the aesthetic director also hint at the connection between actor Suriya and the film.
So let’s discuss the story behind the unreleased film and its possible link with the Kanguva actor. Recently, there has been a curious question in the minds of the audience: why is GVM so worried about Suriya refusing Dhuruva Natchathiram?
During his recent release promotions, GVM shared the factors behind the halted release of Dhuruva Natchathiram. During the conversation, the director also revealed his thoughts on Suriya refusing the project.
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Initially, the project, now headlined by actor Vikram, was narrated to actor Suriya. As per the director, then the producer of the film also paid Suriya an advance. But later, the Retro actor refused the project due to a difference of opinions. The director also added that a lot of discussions between him and Suriya revolved around the content.
What made GVM really disappointed? The director said, “We could have just trusted each other and done the film. But he finally didn’t.”
The director, who aimed to create an international spy thriller, was disappointed that Suriya didn’t pick the film. “The fact that Suriya said ‘no’ to the film was really upsetting for me. He also felt that if Suriya had entered into the project, it would have been different,” said GVM.
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Eventually, Vikram came on board, and it was produced by P. Madan. Due to financial and legal issues, the most anticipated film of the Vendhu Thanindhathu Kaadu director remains unreleased to this day.
GVM also said that the perception that he was the producer and that’s why the film got stuck was wrong—even if Suriya had been in this film, it would have been stuck. But still, he feels that it was a film for Suriya.
Notably, the duo actor Suiya and GVM had made a number of classics in Tamil cinema like Vaaranam Aayiram and Kaakha Kaakha, blockbusters at the time.
Assuring the fans, he stated that the film still had the potential to bag a theatrical release. The director said that he is now focusing on the release of Dhuruv Natchthiram. The film stars Vikram, alongside an ensemble cast consisting of Ritu Varma, R. Parthiban, Radhika Sarathkumar, Simran, and Vinayakan.