"Only Because Of Democracy And Supreme Court": Reactions To Chandigarh Election Ruling

India Edited by Updated: Feb 20, 2024, 8:30 pm

"Election Commission's Credibility Undermined": Reactions To Chandigarh Election Ruling (Photo on X Arsh K @arshkhurana)

As the Supreme Court today delivered its verdict on the Chandigarh mayoral election result, declaring the AAP councilor Kuldeep Kumar as winner and Mayor, political leaders have been reacting to the verdict, expressing their hope on the country”s top Court.

The Supreme Court noting the misuse of the office of the returning officer, used its constitutional power to declare the AAP candidate’s victory. With the returning officer Anil Masih”s manipulation caught on camera, the Court had earlier termed it a “murder of democracy.”

The AAP candidate who declared winner by the court celebrated the people’s mandate and said that it is the victory of truth. “Democracy has been kept alive. I am very thankful for that…I thank all the leaders and the INDIA Alliance that voted for me. BJP will be exposed just like they were exposed here and they will face defeat everywhere…” he said to the news agency ANI.

Taking to his social media platform, the AAP chief and Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal said that this became possible only because of Indian democracy and the Supreme Court while stressing the importance of preserving the impartiality of the democratic and autonomous institutions at any cost.

“Kuldeep Kumar is a boy from a poor family. On behalf of the INDIA alliance, many congratulations on becoming the Mayor of Chandigarh. This became possible only because of Indian democracy and the Honorable Supreme Court. We have to preserve the impartiality of our democracy and autonomous institutions at any cost,” he wrote, hinting at the increasing undermining of the democratic institutions by the government.

Congress leader KC Venugopal in his post on X (foremerely Twitter) expressed his hope that the Supreme Court’s decision on the “farcical election” for the Chandigarh Mayor will go a long way to save Indian democracy.

“The entire election process was a complete farce, which has been duly exposed with this historic verdict! For 4 months, we have been frequently seeking time from the Election Commission to discuss the issue of complete VVPAT counting, but it has not found any time for us so far. We hope the ECI moves swiftly and takes steps that will improve the people’s faith in the democratic process – not dent it,” the Rajya Sabha MP  wrote, noting the party’s demand for time to discuss the issue of complete VVPAT counting.

Congress leader Sachin Pilot, reacting to the Supreme Court verdict on the Chandigarh mayoral polls raised serious concerns over the credibility of the election commission and said, “I welcome the SC judgement. In fact, we should see that the authority and credibility of institutions like the Election Commission is undermined, it doesn”t argue well for a democracy. I am surprised that it took the SC to intervene and set the record straight. It should set an example of the future functioning of the EC,” he was heard in a video shared by the news agency ANI.

AAP leader Saurabh Bharadwaj, while speaking to the ANI said that the world”s biggest party tried to play games even in these minuscule-level elections and got caught on camera. “AAP candidate had got a clear majority with 20 votes… The world”s biggest party tried to play tricks on the world”s youngest party and got a good bashing by the Supreme Court… They are dishonest even in front of the camera, imagine what they are capable of behind the camera…,” he said pointing out to the electoral character of the BJP.