UPSC Introduces Changes In CSE 2024 Application Process
To apply for UPSC Civil Services exam, candidates will have to go through a more rigorous process. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has made substantial modifications to the application procedure for the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination (CSE Pre) 2024.
Under the UPSC CSE 2024 notification issued on February 14, candidates will have to submit online applications by March 5, 2024. The released notification informed about the 1,056 total vacancies with 40 reserved for candidates belonging to the Persons with Benchmark Disability Category.
According to the information furnished in the official notification, Prelims will take place on May 26. Candidates who score higher than the cut-off points in the UPSC CSE 2024 preliminary test will be allowed to take the next stage Main Exam. The main exams which are descriptive are scheduled to begin on September 20 spanning over five days.
UPSC CSE 2024: Application Process Changes
One of the notable changes is regarding the photograph uploaded while filling out the application form.
According to the guidelines, the candidates” photograph should not be 10 days older from the start of the online application process (February 14).
The candidates” name and date of photograph should be clearly mentioned on the photograph.
Candidates’ face should be prominently featured occupying 3/4th of the space.
The image must be in the .jpg format with size ranging from 20 KB to 300 KB.
Another requirement is that candidate should be consistent in terms of appearance, for instance, if a candidate has uploaded an image with a beard or spectacle or Mustaches, etc he/she has to appear the same during the preliminary, mains, and personality test.
Candidates can apply online for the UPSC Examinations by accessing the online portal hosted on the UPSC’s website (https://upsconline.nic.in).