Exploring Essential Oils and Himalayan Rock Salt Bath: A Psychologist’s Guide For Alternative Ways for Better Sleep

Health Written by Updated: Mar 18, 2024, 6:46 am
Exploring Essential Oils and Himalayan Rock Salt Bath: A Psychologist’s Guide For Alternative Ways for Better Sleep

Exploring Essential Oils and Himalayan Rock Salt Bath: A Psychologist’s Guide For Alternative Ways for Better Sleep

In our search for a deep sleep, we are faced with so many choices. In recent times, essential oils and holistic remedies like salt baths have become popular options for self-care, especially for better sleep. As a psychologist, I try to scientifically examine the sleep-inducing properties of lavender, chamomile, and peppermint oils, along with the potential benefits of a Himalayan rock salt bath before bedtime.

Lavender Oil

There are various scientific studies that indicate the multiple benefits of lavender oil. Apart from its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it is also known to reduce anxiety and induce better sleep. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that lavender oil inhalation along with proper sleep hygiene significantly improved sleep patterns in participants.

There are various scientific studies that indicate the multiple benefits of lavender oil.

Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil has also been a popular option among people who opt for aromatherapy. Several studies have shown that it brings down anxiety levels with its calming properties. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology explored the impact of chamomile extract on individuals with insomnia, revealing a statistically drastic improvement in sleep parameters. A recent article published in 2024 also looks at its potential against stress, anxiety, and sleep quality.

Peppermint Oil

While not traditionally linked to sleep improvement, peppermint oil”s potential role in relieving headaches and promoting relaxation indirectly contributes to better sleep. A recent study in Journal of Current Pharma Research indicates that inhalational aromatherapy using peppermint oil is more effective in treating the quality of sleep-in patients than other popular options.

Himalayan Rock Salt Bath

A warm bath with Himalayan rock salt before evening has been praised for its potential to induce relaxation. While scientific studies specifically linking it to sleep are limited, there has been ample anecdotal evidence about its calming effects on the nervous system and its potential to soothe sore muscles. These benefits make it a strong contender that can be considered for a pre-sleep ritual that prepares the body for quality sleep.

The bodily responses to essential oils and Himalayan rock salt baths may vary from individual to individual.

While these alternative remedies might sound appealing, they must be used with careful consideration. The bodily responses to essential oils and Himalayan rock salt baths may vary from individual to individual. It is important to keep in mind various factors like personal preferences, sensitivity, and pre-existing health conditions. You must also not compromise on the quality of the products that you use. Opt for high-quality, pure essential oils and authentic Himalayan rock salt to ensure the potency of the active compounds. It is better to use these methods after consultation with healthcare professionals. Ensure that you follow their advice, especially if you have existing health conditions or are currently on medications.

As we now know scientific evidence supports the sleep-enhancing potential of lavender, chamomile oils and peppermint oils, while Himalayan rock salt baths offer a way of creating a soothing routine before going to sleep. Like in the case of any sleep-inducing methods, individual variability plays a role, and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals is recommended. Incorporating these holistic remedies mindfully may contribute to a more serene and restful sleep environment. You could also use these remedies with the sleep hygiene tips in this series for a much better result.

(Henna Ayoob is a highly regarded Consultant Psychologist and entrepreneur in Calicut, Kerala, specialises in psychological well-being. With a focus on sleep science, she is known for her expertise in guiding individuals toward optimal mental health. Henna is committed to fostering a healthier and more balanced lifestyle for her clients.)