The 'Yogi' Phenomenon

Uttar Pradesh continues to hold significance in the Lok Sabha election even though BJP maintains a dominance in the Hindi heartland.

2024 lok sabha election result Edited by Updated: Jun 03, 2024, 3:46 pm
The 'Yogi' Phenomenon

The 'Yogi' Phenomenon (

Uttar Pradesh continues to hold significance in the Lok Sabha election even though BJP maintains a dominance in the Hindi heartland. Compared to many other states where BJP reached a saturation point with respect to seats gain, in Uttar Pradesh there is scope for improvement. In the 2014 polls, among the state’s 80 seats, the BJP secured 71 seats (73 seats by the NDA) wherein in 2019, the seats got slightly reduced to 62 seats (64 seats by the NDA). This time, to make BJP slogan “Teesri baar Modi sarkar, abki baar 400 paar” a reality, the seat count in Uttar Pradesh definitely plays a crucial role.

When its Modi factor elsewhere, it is also about Yogi factor in Uttar Pradesh. The firebrand saffron leader Yogi Adityanath is the only Chief Minister has received a second consecutive term in the state. A masterfully curated USP where Adityanath with his iron fist brought back “law and order” situation by containing crime in the “lawless” Uttar Pradesh has received much attention. How Yogi Adityanath government adapted bulldozer as a tool of state administration is an instance in this regard. Similar to Police maintaining law and order, bulldozer has been proposed by the government with similar responsibility and Adityanath has acquired the image “Bulldozer baba”.

The reverence for the bulldozer and a large section of the public viewing it as a symbol denoting suraksha (safety and security) were tailor-made narratives created by the government and the media, and they were indeed successful. The conveyance of immediate justice has furthered the popular appeal of Yogi. When PM Modi attended election rallies in eastern UP, he lauded Yogi’s ‘bulldozer’ action against criminals, and highlighted that dreaded gangsters and their gangs resulted in introducing peace and relief to the public from reign of horror and intimidation. Additionally, Yogi Adityanath government spends over Rs. 1400 crore yearly to advertise its achievements.

Besides the anti-mafia stance, Adityanath’s pro-development stance has also accentuated his popularity. During the campaigns, Modi stresses the developmental works and implementation of central government schemes by the Yogi Adityanath. BJP workers through their grass root level engagements ensure that these accomplishments have reached people and pro-government sentiments are evoked from people’s side as well. A unwavering commitment to Hindutva, and not mincing words while it comes to expressing resentment against Muslims,  also draws admiration from a section of people.

In some constituencies, especially on his home turf Gorakhpur, the Hindutva plank is important to go along with Adityanath”s image of being a Hindu mascot. During election rallies, his speeches are pronounced by Hindutva slogans, where he repeatedly assert and recall people that it was under his rule the state saw the ‘end of crime and mafia raj’. “The BJP seems to be depending on the “Yogi mantra” a little too much both as UP CM and also Mahant of Gorakshnath Peeth, considered to be the axis of eastern UP politics, to counter the opposition’s caste arithmetic,” the New Indian express reports.

Amidst the situations favouring BJP and smooth sailing at the campaign front received a jolt with Delhi Chief Minister and AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal’s statements. Kejriwal, who released from jail on receiving a bail, claimed that Adityanath”s future is similar to other former BJP chief ministers, and he would be replaced if the BJP were to win a third term at the Centre. It was an unexpected attack enough to unsettle the BJP’s well-functioning campaigns and to generate suspicion in voter’s mind. Interestingly, Yogi is seen in election rallies and meetings limited to the state. He has attended nearly 200 election rallies and public meetings in the past two months, a fierce approach yet limited to state confinements.

However, Yogi resolved the chaotic situation propelled by Kejriwal’s statements, responding, “. . . I am a Yogi and my priority is not to get power but to work for the values and ideologies of the party for which we chose politics and public life.” But the election results will tell how Opposition’s tactical play on the rift between Adityanath and Amit Shah has worked. Besides, Adityanath’s caste, the Rajputs’ discontentment has also adding worry to the party. It has been reported that Rajputs are currently upset over the saffron party is also posing challenge to the BJP.

Though Lok Sabha polls, may seem like a number game, the seats that Uttar Pradesh contribute to the saffron party is decisive in determining the political future of Yogi Adityanath as well.