Anand Mahindra’s Musings On Hi-Tech Life - With A Kannur Connection

Offbeat Edited by Updated: Sep 17, 2023, 5:04 pm
Anand Mahindra’s Musings On Hi-Tech Life - With A Kannur Connection

Anand Mahindra’s Musings On Hi-Tech Life.

Anand Mahindra, a big gun among the business magnates is well known for his quirky posts on social media. The Chairman of Mahindra group always keeps a charming edge to his remarks.

Recently Mr. Mahindra shared his musings on life with an alluring video of kids swimming in a pond wrapped around by thick greeneries while it drizzled. With a serene Malayalam song – sung by K. J Yesudas, the celebrated singer – as the background music,  the video emanated halcyon vibes. Though the exact location is unknown, Mr. Mahindra mentioned it to be from Kannur, a district of Kerala.

He wrote on X (formerly twitter), that “in an increasingly Hi-tech world, we will yearn for the older, simpler pleasures of life. This clip of Kannur is the stuff of dreams”.

Earlier Mr. Mahindra made noise with his chucklesome reply for Elon Musk”s remark on having “Bolero stuck” in his head. Mr. Mahindra wrote that he can”t think of a better place than Mr. Musk”s head to park his Bolero.

With a snippet of Mr. Musk”s video on his remark about Bolero, Mr. Mahindra also shared a picture of the new 2023 Mahindra Bolero Neo Car, a seven seater SUV which in known for its premium design.

A day before, as Mumbai bid adieu to its iconic double-decker bus, Mr Mahindra reported “theft” of one of his “most important childhood memory”.

The Mumbai Police also gave an earnest reply about receiving report on “nostalgic heist”.

Few days back, the business tycoon shared his view on Bollywood superstar Shah Rukk Khan. As the first look of the Jawaan was unfurled on Burj Khalifa, Mr. Mahindra pronounced his thoughts on declaring Mr. Khan as a Natural Resource. He wrote, “All countries guard their natural mineral resources and mine them and usually export them to earn forex, may be it”s time to declare @iamsrk a Natural Resource”, by tagging the “Bollywood Badshah”. Mr. Khan sweetly thanked Anand Mahindra.