indian union muslim league

Adv Haris Beeran Named Muslim League's Rajya Sabha Candidate; Nomination Papers To Submit In The Evening

IUML | Jun 10, 2024

Advocate Haris Beeran has been selected as the candidate of the Muslim League for the Rajya Sabha seat. This..

A Case For Advocate Faisal Babu For League's Rajya Sabha Seat

Rajya Sabha Elections | Jun 08, 2024

Belonging to Tirur in Malappuram, Youth League’s national general secretary Advocate Faisal Babu has upped t..

Blog: Why Advocate Haris Beeran Could Be The Best Pick For IUML In Rajya Sabha?

Rajya Sabha Elections | Jun 07, 2024

There are many reports confirming that Advocate Haris Beeran will be the Rajya Sabha candidate for IUML in the Rajya Sabha. There cou..

IUML Fields Ponnani MP ET Muhammed Basheer In Malappuram Constituency

Elections | Feb 28, 2024

Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), the second largest party in the United Democratic Front (UDF) announced its candidates for the upc..

IUML Insistent On Third Seat In Kerala As Talks With Congress Continue

Elections | Feb 25, 2024

Amid reports that the Congress may not be giving a third seat to the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), the..

Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Muslim League To Field Same Candidates; Discussions For Third Seat On

Elections | Feb 21, 2024

Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), a member of the Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) alliance in Ke..