Blog: Why Advocate Haris Beeran Could Be The Best Pick For IUML In Rajya Sabha?

Rajya Sabha Elections Written by Updated: Jun 08, 2024, 2:51 am
Blog: Why Advocate Haris Beeran Could Be The Best Pick For IUML In Rajya Sabha?

There are many reports confirming that Advocate Haris Beeran will be the Rajya Sabha candidate for IUML in the Rajya Sabha. There could be a few oppositions to his candidature from the active political workers in Kerala, particularly Youth League, the youth wing of Indian Union Muslim League (IUM), who has been actively vouching for this seat for a long time.

However, Advocate Beeran has long credits and merits to his shoulder that makes him one of the strong candidates for this position:

His experience as advocate in the Supreme Court

Rajya Sabha is the upper house, where political party generally nominate people of high experience in different field, particularly in the field of law. The function of the House being majorly law making. We have seen how some of the best arguments and counter arguments from law practitioners who is learned and experienced in nitty-gritty and nuances of law making. Congress with its presence of Chidambaram, Vivek Thankha, and Samajwadi by nominating Kapil Sibal have ensured that, they need able advocates who can scrutinises each bill that comes to the Parliament. Advocate Beeran with his years of experience in Supreme Court is definitely expected to do this job better than any other his contenders for this position.

Advocacy and Networking

As compared to a member of the Lok Sabha, who is elected from a constituency and has a higher duty to his constituents. A member of the Rajya Sabha does not bear such enormous duty. A member of the Rajya Sabha has the time and strength to concentrate on promoting his political party at the national level and can be crucial in advancing the party’s goals, objectives, and vision. Such as Build solid relationships with other parties and the allies on a national scale by luring both young and senior leaders from other states to the party.

Read also: A Case For Advocate Faisal Babu For League’s Rajya Sabha Seat

Advocate Beeran, who is involved with the legal community and civil society organisations in Delhi, is a fantastic liaison and networker. Advocate Beeran’s ability will aid the party in drawing in more young Muslim leaders and professionals and in gaining momentum for its national goals.

Permanent Presence of Leadership in the National Capital

The majority of Muslim League national committee members, as well as the organisation’s youth and student wings, are primarily engaged in day-to-day political engagement in Kerala and are occasionally seen in New Delhi, the nation’s political capital.

In light of the IUML’s efforts to build a national office in the nation’s capital, led by Mr. Sayyid Sadikali, the presence of senior national leadership in New Delhi is even more critical. Mr. Beeran who is a well-liked New Delhi resident for nearly two decades is popular amongst students and working professionals with his leadership of KMCC and KMWA. With his permanent presence in New Delhi, He can assist the national committee to operate its New Delhi office, while other national committee leadership of Muslim Youth League and Muslim Students Federation who are primarily focused on their work in Kerala, and are away permanently.

Parliamentary Performance

Muslim League currently has one representative Mr. P.V. Abdul Wahab who is serving his third term. Mr. Wahab has significantly improved in his third term, showing presence and initiative under pressure, after performing below expectations in his previous two terms.

However, Muslim league and its cadres in the ground have always been under pressure in public debate when young Left MPs like John Brittas and Santhosh Kumar outperform Wahab with their eloquent speech and active involvement in the house.

In the current crisis, Muslim League must actively participate in the Rajya Sabha by bringing a youthful, energetic face that is articulate in both Hindi and English. Advocate Beeran might be a potential trouble shooter for Muslim League in the Rajya Sabha given his expertise legal matters and proficiency in Hindi and English.

Effective Communication

With the rise of Baratiya Janata Party in power from 2014, Muslim league as a party has often been dragged into many unwanted controversies by right wing political leadership particularly for its existential identity such as name, flag, and political position in the parliament.

Despite the fact that League MPs in the Lok Sabha has been eloquent in the Parliament on various issues. In the past ten years, the party has suffered enough harm from the lack of a national spokesperson to articulate and defend the party outside of Parliament, particularly in the national media.

It is crucial that the Muslim League have a young, credible national spokesman outside of the legislature who can speak up for the party and its goals in the public discourse and national media.

The objective of the Rajya Sabha is to have the bright minds who might otherwise be less popular in the electoral politics; whereas the Lok Sabha, which aims to bring popular leaders as their representatives through electoral political space. Therefore, the popular young vibrant political leadership of the party should come through electoral political space and should pave the way for its party leadership to pick it wisely in keeping the above factors in mind.

(Disclaimer: The views and the details expressed above are the writer’s analysis.)