Akshat Srivastava: When The Tech Savvy Meets The Tech Boss

The 22-year-old Akshat Srivastava, from Varanasi, has impressed Apple CEO Tim Cook with his technical knowledge and excellence. He will be visiting Apple Park in California this week to attend the WWDC conference. During his interaction with Tim Cook, he shared his views on coding and emerging technologies.

Apple WWDC 2024 Edited by Updated: Jun 10, 2024, 6:02 pm
Akshat Srivastava: When The Tech Savvy Meets The Tech Boss

Akshat Srivastava: When The Tech Savvy Meets The Tech Boss (Image: X @ Apple )

The 22-year-old Akshat Srivastava, from Varanasi, has impressed Apple CEO Tim Cook with his technical knowledge and excellence. He will be visiting Apple Park in California this week to attend the WWDC conference. During his interaction with Tim Cook, he shared his views on coding and emerging technologies.

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Akshat started working as a coder in his teens and later developed an app called MindBud, creating a platform for classic games and activities. With MindBud, he ventured into a platform that has four engaging mini-games designed for kids and he claimed fame through the submission of this app. Currently, he is pursuing an engineering degree at BITS Pilani K K Birla College in Goa.

Apple CEO Tim Cook posted on X about his recent meeting with student developers who won ‘Swift Student Challenge’; talking about Akshat Srivastava and other developers from India, Tim Cook said, “I met so many extraordinary developers when I visited India last year, and I saw so much excitement for the many ways that technology can enrich people’s lives. And it was equally wonderful to meet Akshat this week, and see how he’s created a whole new way to share his love of classic games with the next generation.”

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For the Swift students’ challenge, Akshat Srivastava used Apple tools like SwiftUI, AVKit (audio), PencilKit, and FileManager. Reports claimed that Akshat also plans to get his submission published on the App Store soon.

Indian student developers have become a big part of Apple’s Swift Students Challenge over the years and Akshat is one of the many we have seen. Apple WWDC 2024 is just around the corner and the company is using the platform to host some of its developers and techies who have been part of various awards and challenges.