Generative AI: The Next Big Thing In Tech

Technology Written by Updated: Oct 11, 2023, 10:16 pm
Generative AI: The Next Big Thing In Tech

In the wake of the global pandemic, the dynamics of business have shifted dramatically, with an accelerated focus on digital access and process digitisation. As companies worldwide recognise the role of technology in their resilience and growth, Asia, and in particular, India, have emerged as vibrant hubs of innovation and digital transformation. SAP is leading the charge with its distinctive approach to generative AI (GenAI) and what sets the company apart from others in this dynamic landscape.

Evolving AI Trends: GenAI Becomes Mainstream

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not a new concept, but what distinguishes today”s AI landscape, especially generative AI, is its transformation from a specialised technology to a mainstream tech phenomenon. For SAP, AI has been an integral part of automating core applications for over 20,000 customers for nearly a decade. The focus lies in driving business efficiency and productivity, all while incorporating industry best practices and adhering to responsible use. This commitment to responsible AI sets SAP apart from tech-focused AI providers. SAP is actively collaborating with partners like Microsoft and Google Cloud Platform to enable customers with enterprise-ready generative AI innovation, emphasising a collective approach to future-proof businesses.

Customer Preferences in the Age of GenAI

SAP”s customers are now exploring the possibilities of GenAI and how it can drive the next level of business automation, performance, and efficiency. However, the conversation around GenAI is multifaceted, including concerns about misuse, data privacy, regulatory compliance, and the responsible use of the technology. Customers are also increasingly focused on sustainability and decarbonization, seeking to align their digital transformation efforts with long-term climate action goals. Green technology presents significant opportunities for mitigating climate risk and accelerating positive climate change action.

SAP”s Business Growth in Asia: A Bright Future

Asia”s GDP is projected to represent 50% of the world”s GDP within the next 10-15 years, making it a critical region for business growth. The COVID-19 pandemic has elevated the importance of digital access and process digitisation for every company, and Asia, especially India, demonstrates a strong commitment to these goals. India, as an emerging market for supply chains, presents substantial opportunities for efficiency and digitisation. SAP is poised to play a pivotal role in driving digital transformation in India and across the broader Asian region.

India”s Role in SAP”s Strategy

India occupies a central position in SAP”s Asian and global strategy. It is at the forefront of the digitalisation movement and is witnessing a growing demand for sustainability imperatives, particularly in industries undergoing significant transformations, such as energy transition and the electric vehicle market. Further, SAP is actively expanding its offerings to the mid-market segment, ensuring that mid-sized enterprises can benefit from the same market-leading platforms as their larger counterparts.

Reducing Environmental Footprint through Innovative Solutions

SAP is deeply committed to helping its customers reduce their environmental footprint. To this end, the company has introduced innovative tools and platforms. SAP”s “Green Ledger” functions much like a financial ledger or the SAP ERP platform, providing companies with a way to measure their carbon footprints with precision and manage sustainability values in an audit-ready manner. The SAP Sustainability Control Tower, a software-as-a-service solution, enables businesses to monitor and manage their sustainability performance effectively. The recent launch of “GreenToken” leverages blockchain technology to offer detailed tracking of raw materials and products throughout the supply chain, promoting transparency and sustainability.

As the world enters a new era of digitalisation and sustainability, SAP”s holistic approach to GenAI and its commitment to responsible innovation position the company to be a major player in the transformation of businesses in Asia and beyond. With a strong emphasis on India and its rapidly evolving digital landscape, SAP is well-poised to support the region”s growth and sustainability goals.