Google May Charge For AI-Powered Search Features: Report

Technology Edited by Updated: Apr 04, 2024, 9:43 am
Google May Charge For AI-Powered Search Features: Report

Google May Charge For AI-Powered Search Features: Report (Photo by on Unsplash)

Search giant Google is reportedly considering a significant change to its business model. The Financial Times reported on Wednesday that Google may start charging for the latest “premium” features powered by generative artificial intelligence.

The Financial Times, citing three people with knowledge of Google”s plans, reported that the tech giant is looking at multiple options. This includes incorporating AI-powered search features into its premium subscription services, which already give access to its new Gemini AI assistant in Gmail and Docs. The report also said that engineers are developing the technology needed to deploy the service. At the same time, executives have not yet decided whether or when to launch it.

Notably, Google’s traditional search engine would remain free of charge. Also, ads would reportedly appear to subscribers alongside search results. It is the first time Google is making such a major shift, as the company has delivered free consumer services funded entirely by advertising for years. Meanwhile, Google told the Financial Times that they are “not working on or considering” an ad-free search experience. Google also added that they would “continue to build new premium capabilities and services to enhance our subscription offerings across Google.”

In the AI sector, Google is making constant efforts as they are competing against ChatGPT creator OpenAI and Microsoft. In January, Google rolled out new generative artificial intelligence features for the Chrome browser. Recently, the company decided to refine its search results. This year, Google also added a new premium tier to its Google One consumer subscription service. The tech giant has also added Gemini to Workspace.