How The World Reacted To Hospital Massacre In Gaza That Claimed 500 Lives

West Asia Edited by Updated: Oct 18, 2023, 12:53 pm
How The World Reacted To Hospital Massacre In Gaza That Claimed 500 Lives

How The World Reacted To Hospital Massacre In Gaza That Claimed 500 Lives (image: eye. On. Palestine)

Nearly 500 people were killed in the air strike launched at Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. The attack is alleged to be from Israel. Israel said the attack was actually a misfired Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket. The world leaders condemn the “heinous” act on the civilians of Gaza. The world was once again forced to pronounce their “condemnation” on the on-going war.

On Tuesday, Foreign Ministry of Jordan released a statement and “condemned in strongest terms the Israel aggression that targeted A-Ahli Baptist Hospital in the Gaza Strip”. The statement held Israel “responsible for this dangerous development”.


Dr. Sufyan Al-Qudah, the Ambassador of the Jordanian Foreign Ministry said the act is “inconsistent” with the international humanitarian law, “especially the Fourth Geneva Convention relating to the rule of war”. Jordan called to the world to interfere in the attack against the people of Palestine and stop the “raging war”.

Qatar called the act of bombing the hospital as a “brutal massacre, a heinous crime against defence less civilians, and a flagrant violation of the provision of international law and international humanitarian law”. The country also warns the selective silence “regarding the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the occupation against the Palestinian people” will cause the expansion of escalation, instability and violence”.



Qatar also emphasis that the “brotherly Palestinian people” should be given their legitimate right to establish the “independent state on the 1967 borders. With East Jerusalem as its capital”.

Egypt also joined with the countries who “condemns in the strongest terms”, the bombing on the Baptist hospital in Gaza Strip. The statement from Egyptian Foreign Ministry called for the international community to intervene and “unequivocally” condemn the deed of Israel. The country also demanded Israel to open the Rafah border to let Egypt and other countries in providing humanitarian assistance to the war-torn Palestine.


Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey denounced Israel’s attack which is “devoid of the most basic human values”. In his statement Mr. Erdogan “invite all humanity to take action to stop this unprecedented brutality in Gaza”.


Iran pronounced their condemnation in “strongest terms” about the Gaza hospital attack “committed by the Zionist regime”. The Foreign Ministry of the country said in the statement that through the “heinous and horrible crime, the Zionist once again showed its ferocity and cowardice to the world and proved that it does not adhere to the principles and rules of international law in times of war”. The country demanded United Nations and the Security Council to investigate the “dimensions of this war crime and prosecuting the Zionist regime”.


Arab League warns that the “criminals will not get away with their actions”. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Chief of Arab League asked “what diabolical mind intentionally bombards a hospital and its defence less inhabitants?”, and called the West to “stop this tragedy immediately”.


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia said the country condemn the “hospital massacre” in “strongest possible terms” and urged the international community to “abandon the double standard”. The country demanded to “hold the Israeli occupation forces fully responsible for their continued repeated violation of all international norms and laws”.


World Health Organization (WHO), claimed their place in the list of those who condemn the bombing at the hospital. The Organization called for the “immediate protection of civilians and health care”.


Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is “horrified” about the bombing in Gaza hospital. He said, “there must be accountability” and the international law must be “upheld”.



American President Joe Biden felt “outraged and deeply saddened” about the explosion that happened at the Al Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza.


Secretary General of United Nations called for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Middle East”. earlier he said that he was “horrified by the killing” of Palestine civilians .


German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz called for a thorough investigation in to the hospital bombing. he said the investigation is “imperative”.


President of France, Emmanuel Macron said “France condemns the attack” and “all the light must be shed on the circumstances”.



Ali Jadallah, a Palestinian journalist Ali Jadallah has shared the current condition of the Baptist hospital that was bombed.