Prince Muhammed Bin Salman: The Uncrowned King Of Saudi Arabia

Prince Muhammed Bin Salman: The Uncrowned King Of Saudi Arabia

With both good and bad credited to the de-facto Saudi ruler and the son of King Salman, crown prince Muhammed Bin Salman has been called by many as an uncrowned Saudi king, with an image he has built over years, engaging in significant national and international affairs. With the deteriorating health of the 87-year-old king Salman, the prince, who was declared the next heir to the throne, has been representing the country in the major international deals and foreign rips, while his father makes rare public appearances.

It was in 2017 that Muhammad Bin Salman was named as the crown prince. The political ascension of the prince started in 2009 at the age of 24, kick starting his position as an advisor to his father. After graduation, Muhammed had worked in the private sectors.

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Branded as MBS, the prince has positioned himself as a champion of reforms, earning an international reputation. His business initiatives, including the economic reforms away from the oil exports as a sole business, such as the enhancement of global tourism, the boost to foreign investment, and other trade deals, have also transformed the country’s economy. He laid out his ambitious vision, known as Vision 2030, aiming to awaken the kingdom, long known for sole reliance on oil, from its slumber to claim its place on the global stage. Though reforms such as the permissions for women to have driving licenses were hailed, the crackdown on dissent and free speech continues unabated.

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Although he was criticised for his alleged pro-American approach in his policies, including the decision for improving the bilateral relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia, the MBS is said to have nurturing a strong vision and plan to take forward his kingdom. Despite having frictions over several issues with many western powers, he has managed to move forward with strategic cooperation and trade wielding  significant clout.