Qatar Condemns Israel Over Its Confiscation Of Palestinian Land

West Asia Edited by Updated: Dec 13, 2023, 8:52 pm
Qatar Condemns Israel Over Its Confiscation Of Palestinian Land

Qatar Condemns Israel Over Its Confiscation Of Palestinian Land (Photo X - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Qatar @MofaQatar_EN)

In a statement issued by Qatar”s Ministry of foreign affairs, the country strongly “condemned an Israeli decision to confiscate Palestinian lands in East Jerusalem”

It also said the Qatar considered Israel’s decision to confiscate Palestinian land to build an air train in the Silwan neighbourhood of the occupied East Jerusalem ‘’a flagrant violation of the principles and provisions of international law and the relevant ‘UNESCO’ resolutions.”

The statement follows:

“The State of Qatar strongly condemns the decision of the Israeli occupation authorities to confiscate Palestinian lands in the Silwan neighbourhood of occupied East Jerusalem to build an air train. It also considers this decision a flagrant violation of the principles and provisions of international law and the relevant “UNESCO” resolutions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on the UN Security Council to shoulder its responsibilities to oblige Israel to stop its measures aiming at changing the historical and legal status of the city of Jerusalem. It also warns against the Israeli occupation exploiting the international community”s preoccupation with developments in the Gaza Strip to pass unilateral decisions that violate the rights of the brotherly Palestinian people.

The Ministry stresses that the Israeli decision will hinder the achievement of a two-state solution, which is the only way to achieve sustainable peace in the region.

The Ministry reiterates Qatar”s firm position on the Justice of the Palestinian cause, the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, and the establishment of their independent state on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

Israel’s enforcement now allows Israel to declare Palestinian property whose owners stay in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, or in any Arab country, leading to the confiscation of the Palestinian property for the exclusive development needs of Israel with no compensation to the land’s owners.  “

A study published by Palestine liberation organization negotiation affairs department says that “43.5% of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem has already been confiscated and used for Israeli-only colony construction; 41% of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem has been declared a “green area” and is therefore subject to severe building restrictions by the Israeli government; Only 12.1% of East Jerusalem is permitted for Palestinian use – more than half of this land (6% of the total land of East Jerusalem) is owned by “absentees” and may therefore be confiscated under the new law; and 3.4% of East Jerusalem land is used for Israeli military facilities, roads and other infrastructure”

The study also alleged that the ongoing wall construction by Israel shows that they have no intention to ever return to Palestinian land isolated by the Wall.

However, Qatar”s statement against the Israeli decision to confiscate more land brought the international attention to the issue.