“The Wall Street Journal Lends Its Name To Netanyahu’s Pet Project”: William Darylmple

West Asia Edited by Updated: Nov 15, 2023, 6:05 pm
“The Wall Street Journal Lends Its Name To Netanyahu’s Pet Project”: William Darylmple

“The Wall Street Journal Lends Its Name To Netanyahu’s Pet Project”: William Darylmple

The killing and atrocities carried out widely by Israel of innocent Palestinians across Gaza strip has led to massive outrage across the world. People from different corners are raising their voices calling out for an immediate ceasefire in the besieged enclave. At the same time, several western media houses are seen trying to bend the narrative of the tragic incidents taking place in Gaza. Historian William Darylmple brought into light one such western media narrative.

He posted the article of ‘The Washington Post’ titled “The West Should Welcome Gaza Refugees” on his X handle. He, on his post, lashed out at the Journal and said, “Shamefully, The Wall Street Journal, lends its name to Netanyahu”s pet ethnic cleansing project: getting rid of the Palestinians of Gaza by any means possible. Even more shamefully, it does it under the guise of humanitarian concern, something it has so far completely failed to demonstrate for the dispossessed, subjugated, massacred people of Palestine. Can the Murdoch press actually sink any lower?”.

The controversial article was written by two Israeli assembly members- MKs Danny Danon of Likud, former ambassador to the UN and Ram Ben Barak of opposition party Yesh Atid, former deputy of the Mossad. In the article they call for the formation of a plan to transfer parts of the population of Gaza to countries that agree to accept them initiating an ethnic cleansing in the 21st century.

They bluntly wrote that, “even if countries took in as few as 10,000 people each, it would help alleviate the crisis”.

The article ended by saying that “the international community has a moral imperative – and an opportunity-to demonstrate compassion, help the people of Gaza move towards a more prosperous future and work together to achieve greater peace and stability in the Middle East.

William Darlymple posted on X another article published by ‘The Economist’ titled “Why Israel must fight on” with cover photo of ‘ashed’ Gaza, captioned “TheEconomist, shamefully, has done the same. To publish this caption along this picture is more or less to paraphrase Kurtz: “Exterminate all the Brutes.” Unforgivable inhumanity Zanny Minton”.