Where The World Stands As Gaza Death Toll Reaches 10,000

West Asia Edited by Updated: Nov 06, 2023, 7:08 pm
Where The World Stands As Gaza Death Toll Reaches 10,000

Where The World Stands As Death Toll Reached 10,000

The heavy bombardment of Israeli occupation force continue to pummel besieged Gaza Strip. The death toll on Gaza has reached 10,000 and the injured has reached 25,408. Israel occupation force has targeted hospital and school premises, refugee camps, water tanks and mosques claiming  them to be sheltering Hamas.

As the number of death toll rise, the world got divided yet again on who condemns who. Several sided with Israel’s right to win, while several others sided with the civilian of Gaza. World leaders like Rishi Sunak, Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, and Justin Trudeau sided with Israel.

Though these countries root for Israel’s “right to defend”, they also advocated for providing humanitarian aid for the innocent civilians of Gaza by saying that “Hamas does not represent Gaza”.

Arab countries unanimously called for the immediate cease fire claiming Israel to commit violation of international law and international humanitarian rule.

Qatar called out Israel about “committing genocidal practices and crimes of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people” adhering to the “indiscriminate bombing on hospitals, schools, refugee cams and other civilian facilities”.

Responding to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remark on dropping nuclear bomb on the already war battered Gaza Strip, Saudi Arabia called the current situation to be “the pervasiveness of extremism and brutality among members of the Israeli government”.

Turkey said that “those who are watching the deaths of thousands of Gazan children today will have no words to say about anything tomorrow”. He also added that no good can come to the community who refuse “speak out against Israel massacres”.

Iran called White House to be “fully responsible for the genocide”. The country also said that “the remarks by the Israeli minister about using atomic bombs are a testament that the regime has been actually defeated in the face of resistance”.

Egypt Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Foreign Ministers of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Palestine met and asseverated the demand for the “necessity of an immediate cessation of Israeli attacks/ priority for the entry of aid/ no displacement/ ending the occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state is the solution”.

Apart from Arab countries, several Latin America’s left slanting countries also called out to the Israeli genocide on the people of Gaza.

Columbia has been pronouncing their condemnation on Israel’s “genocides” on Gaza. In his X (formerly twitter), Columbia President, Gustav Petro said, “if we have to suspend foreign relations with Israel, we will suspend them. We do not support genocides”. It is pertinent to not that, Israel has been Columbia’s one of major suppliers of surveillance equipment and assault rifles. Israel also aided Columbia in their fight against armed groups and drug traffickers.

While Argentina, with largest Jewish population in Latin America, sided Israel’s “right to defend themselves”, Beliz,  called for “immediate de-escalation” and demanded the right of Palestinians on their land and East Jerusalem as Palestine’s capital.

Brazil called for the end of the war on both sides and announced their “dismay” in Israel occupation force’s demand of more than one million civilians of Gaza to evacuate from south of the Strip.

Bolivia has pronounced their “deep concern” over war on both sides. Evo Morales, former President of Bolivia in his X post said that the country’s Foreign Ministry’s statement does not reflect “feeling of solidarity with Bolivian people towards Palestine”. He also added that people of Bolivia always condemn the “illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories”.

Chile is a country with one of the largest Palestinian diaspora, while condemning the Hamas attack on October 7th, the country also called out the Israeli occupation force’s “indiscriminate attacks against civilians” and said that Israel is “violating international law.

Venezuela pronounced their concern over the situation in the Gaza Strip and asked United Nations to fulfil their role as a “guarantor of international peace and legality”, said Al Jazeera.

Report says that nearly 250 celebrities signed the ‘Artists4Ceasefire”, a letter to Joe Biden to call for an demanded that the President and US congress should “call for an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Gaza and Israel before another life is lost. The letter stressed the US government’s crucial diplomatic role in calling quit to the deadly war. Celebrities like Gigi Hadid, Jessica Chastain and Ben Affleck also signed the letter.

In a statement posted on her Instagram page, Angelina Jolie said the “terrorist attack in Israel” cannot “justify the innocent lives lost in bombing a civilian population in Gaza that has nowhere to go, no access to food or water, no possibility of evacuation, and not even the basic human right to cross a border to seek refuge”. She said both “Palestinian and Israeli lives and the lives of all people globally matter equally”.


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Earlier American actress and model Zendaya has shared her solidarity with Palestine on her official Instagram page. Mark Ruffalo, Bella Hadid and Rihanna faced backlash for their comments slanting towards Palestinians and being critical of Israel.

Celebrities like Natalie Portman, Justin Beiber Amy Schumer, Gal Gadot and Jamie Lee Curtis spoke in favour of Israel.


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Several sports stars came in support of Palestinians and Israelis. Footballers like Karim Benzema, Muhammed Salah, Hakim Ziyach, Mesut Ozil, Anwar El Ghazi and Yousef Atal spoke out in support of Palestine.

Apart from the politicians, celebrities and sportspersons, millions of general public took to streets across the world to protest against the Israeli bombardment of Gaza. Massive rallies were organised at New York, Washington DC, Melbourne, Berlin, Istanbul, Paris, Tokyo, Cairo and many other places.