"Ceasefire Now": From Melbourne To Washington DC, World Witnesses Massive Pro-Palestine Weekend Rallies

World Edited by Updated: Nov 05, 2023, 12:32 pm

"Ceasefire Now"; World Witnesses Massive Pro-Palestine Weekend Rallies (image:Twitter/GTK6_00)

Massive pro-Palestine rallies happened as hundreds of thousands of people gathered on streets, around the world this weekend, demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The mass raised demonstrations and slogans expressing their solidarity with the Palestinian people amid the ongoing war between Israel, and called Tel Aviv for an immediate cease of its bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip.

From Sydney to New York, the rally and protest encompassed a huge lead and they unanimously condemned the expanded ground and air offensive of Israel in Gaza. From Washington to Milan to Paris, the marches reflected growing distress among the global community on escalating civilian death and casualty from the Israel-Hamas war. Countries with large Muslim populations including US, UK, and France were in the forefront, expressing their dissatisfaction to the concerned governments for constantly supporting Israel.

As Israel airstrikes on hospitals, refugee camps, and residential buildings increases day-by-day, the globe is expressing their disillusionment over the ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ and concerns over an expected ‘cross-border’ calamity. “What do we want? Ceasefire! When we want it? Now!”, slogans were raised by the protestors demanding a rapid joint action. The ongoing war, which began on October 7, has so far claimed almost ten thousand lives of Palestinians, with a substantial number of women and children. In Israel, the death toll reportedly reached 1,400.

In the US, a huge population converged in Washington to host protest against the diplomatic and military support by the Biden administration to the Israel defence force. An enormous Palestine flag was unfurled by the crowed during the rally and raised slogans saying, “Palestine will be free”. Across the world, many have demonstrated their strong condemn over the children killed in Israel counter attack on Gaza. Numerous small white bags similar to human body with names of children killed in Gaza were arranged in lines on the streets. Bill boards and placards with messages such as “Biden betrayed us” were also raised.

In Paris, the protestors called to stop the Israel “massacre” and an immediate cease-fire. They have shouted “Israel, assassin!”. The rally in London eventually ended with the arrest of almost 11 protestors. In Berlin, around 1,000 police officers were deployed to ensure order after previous pro-Palestinian protests turned violent. The police of the country, reportedly, had already banned any kind of public or written statements that are antisemitic, anti-Israeli or glorify violence or terror.

Romania also raised voices for Gaza and chanted “save the children from Gaza”. The protest in Milan and Rome drove thousands on the streets and expressed support to Gaza. Marches were also reported from Amman in Jordan, Wellinton in New Zealand, Berlin in Germany, and Pretoria in South Africa. At least 200 demonstrators were detained after a Jewish-American group organised a sit-in on Friday at New York’s Grand Central Station.

The massive rally held by Turkey received a huge media attention as it was also attended by all the major political parties of the nation on Saturday. In the Indian state of Kerala, a huge rally was held and condemned the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s support to Israel administration. Meanwhile, Israeli protestors gathered in Tel Aviv demanding a recall of peace in Gaza.