COP28: What To Expect From The November Climate Summit In UAE

World Written by Updated: Nov 04, 2023, 8:27 pm
COP28: What To Expect From The November Climate Summit In UAE

COP28: What To Expect From The November Climate Summit In The UAE

The 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, known as COP28, is set to occur from November 30 to December 12, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). This 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) holds several key expectations and issues to watch. Here”s an overview:

The UAE COP28 Climate Action Plan

Sultan Al Jaber, the president of the COP28 UN climate summit, recently unveiled a comprehensive climate action plan during a meeting in Brussels. This plan is grounded in the 2015 Paris Agreement and centers on four primary pillars, often denoted as the four Fs:

Fast-tracking the Transition to a Low-CO2 World: This pillar emphasises the urgency of shifting towards a low-carbon world.

Addressing Climate Finance: COP28″s plan seeks to tackle financial aspects to climate action.

Prioritizing People, Lives, and Livelihoods: The plan aims to ensure that climate action has a positive impact on individuals, their lives, and livelihoods.

Ensuring Full Inclusivity: It highlights the importance of comprehensive participation in climate efforts.

Global Stocktake and NDCs

During COP28, governments will engage in a “global stocktake.” This process will evaluate the progress made by countries in achieving their emissions reduction commitments, known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs), established in the Paris Agreement. It is expected that the stocktake will reveal a substantial gap between current efforts and the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement. However, individual countries will not face individual blame. Instead, they will be required to submit updated NDCs in September, aligning with the objective of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Ambitious Energy and Hydrogen Proposals

The conference will also address ambitious proposals. These include doubling commitments to energy efficiency, tripling global renewable energy capacity to reach 11,000GW worldwide, and doubling hydrogen production to 180 million tonnes annually by 2030. These proposals are anticipated to gain approval.

Involvement of Major Oil and Gas Producers

COP28 might feature discussions involving major oil and gas producers, both state-owned and private sector entities. The objective is to align their greenhouse gas emissions with the 1.5-degree Celsius target. Achieving such an agreement would signify substantial progress in the global fight against climate change.

Other Expectations

The organizers of COP28 have allocated space for climate activists to gather peacefully. This is in line with guidelines from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and adherence to international human rights norms. The decision to provide space for activists came in response to concerns raised by human and environmental rights groups. These groups expressed worries about potential restrictions imposed by UAE authorities, which could hinder the participation of various stakeholders, including journalists, activists, human rights defenders, civil society members, youth groups, and indigenous peoples” representatives at COP28.

Historically, large-scale protests have been a common feature of previous COP meetings. Limited demonstrations were permitted during the last UN climate talks in Egypt, where authorities imposed strict measures against protests and detained activists.

Furthermore, COP28 is expected to bring significant developments in climate finance. The conference aims to fulfill previous commitments and set the stage for a new financial agreement. COP27 concluded with the announcement of a historic loss and damage fund. This underscored the need for investments ranging from $4 to $6 trillion per year in renewable energy, technology, and infrastructure. Such investments are crucial to achieve the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.

As COP28 unfolds, these key issues and expectations will be closely monitored as the international community continues its efforts to address the urgent challenges posed by climate change.