Indian-Origin "Guru'' Sued In UK Over Sexual Assault Allegations

The “Guru”, identified as Rajinder Kalia, is accused of using his sermons and teachings, as well as other purported performances of “miracles”, to unduly influence followers’ actions.

Sexual Assault Allegations Edited by Updated: Jul 03, 2024, 1:28 pm

India-Origin "Guru'' Sued In UK Over Sexual Assault Allegations

An Indian-origin “Guru”, is being sued for millions over sexual assault allegations. The man who styles himself as the head priest in a religious society in England is being sued in the London High Court by women who claimed to be his former “disciples”.

The “Guru”, identified as Rajinder Kalia, is accused of using his sermons and teachings, as well as other purported performances of “miracles”, to unduly influence followers’ actions. All the complainants are reported to be of Indian origin, and had won a previous legal fight two years ago after a judge allowed the case to be proceeded to trial.

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In 2022, Judge Deputy Master Richard Grimshaw concluded that there are triable issues to be determined in the case. He said many of the factual issues being intertwined and subject to the claimants’ cases as to the coercive control that Kalia exercised over them.

The trial was opened last week at the Royal Courts of Justice before Martin Spencer. It is expected to be concluded next week and judgement to be voiced in the coming months.

In a statement released, Kalia said he is horrified by the claims made against him. “They are demonstrably false, which makes them all the more puzzling”.

“While I have always believed that everyone should be given a voice, this right must only be used fairly and responsibly. So, it is with great sadness that I sense an elaborate conspiracy to damage me within my community…The truth will soon be out. Until then, I would like to thank all those who have helped sustain me and my family at this challenging time”, said Kalia.

The court has been told that Kalia, who was born in Punjab, broke his leg “badly” in a motorcycle accident in his late teens, and was told by medical professionals that he would not walk again. It is said that after a visit to Deotsidh, Hamipur district of Himachal Pradesh, the origin of Baba Balak Nath, he found that he was able to walk again without crutches. Kalia believes that this was a miracle and enhanced his faith in Hinduism, especially in Baba Balak Nath.

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Kalia moved to UK in 1977, and began preaching in 1983 from his home. He purchased land in Coventry in 1986, and established a “temple” in celebration of Baba Balak Nath. The Sidh Baba Balak Nath Ji Society of Coventry England is registered with the country’s Charity Commission and is run by trustees and volunteers.

As per the court documents, the temple serves food three times a week and helps the elderly in the community with Kalia as its head priest, or ‘guru’, referring to himself as a servant of God “Jinder Das”.

The female claimants allege that “serious sexual assault” took place on a regular basis over many years in the “priest’s room” at the temple, including a claim of consensual sexual relationship. However, Kalia denies all allegations. The case is believed to progress through lengthy trials.