Man Dies After Falling Into 130ft Hole He Dug In Search Of Gold

World Edited by Updated: Jan 10, 2024, 2:00 pm
Man Dies After Falling Into 130ft Hole He Dug In Search Of Gold

Man Dies After Falling Into 130ft Hole He Dug In Search Of Gold (image: Valentin Lacoste/unsplash)

Brazil man died after falling down a 130-foot hole he dug under his kitchen floors after dreaming that gold was buried underneath it. The incident happened on Thursday afternoon, when João Pimenta da Silva, aged 71, from Brazil”s Minas Gerais, lost his balance and plunged into the huge pit he excavated. The pit was equivalent to a 12-story building.

As per the local media reports, following a “prophetic dream” Pimenta had become consumed with the thought that there was gold beneath his kitchen floor and over a year, he spent digging for the treasure.

One neighbour attempted to advise Pimenta against digging the deep hole, but the man continued the practice as he is convinced he would reach gold if he carry on. The neighbour recalls that during the recent interaction, Pimenta mentioned about locating dynamite in order to destruct a large block which has been hindering the excavation. The photos of the hole were widely circulated online as well as Brazilian media.

Pimenta also hired people to dig the hole since it got deeper. Recently, he had paid $500 for the assistance, neighbour added.

Local police had recovered Pimenta”s body and taken for autopsy. They reported that he had suffered head injuries and broken legs, along with other fractures. Meanwhile, officials are unclear about how long elderly man has been working on the hole.

(With Inputs from New York Post)