Outrage In Spain After TV Reporter Groped Live On Air

World Edited by Updated: Sep 15, 2023, 4:35 pm
Outrage In Spain After TV Reporter Groped Live On Air

Outrage In Spain After TV Reporter Groped Live On Air (Image:screengrab from the video)

Spanish police on Tuesday arrested a man on suspicion of sexually assaulting a female TV journalist after he allegedly groped her while she was doing a live on TV.

Isa Balado, a journalist with the Spanish broadcaster Cuatro, was reporting a robbery on the Madrid streets, while she was approached by a man wearing white shorts, black jacket, and sunglasses. He passed behind her, touching her bottom, and the incident broadcasted live.

He was later arrested by the police.

She resumed reporting, while the man continued to stand by her side, was immediately interrupted by the journalist who host the program.

“Isa, forgive me for interrupting you… but did he just touch your bottom?” Nacho Abad, the host, asked.

As the reporter replied “yes” and Mr Abad asked the cameraperson to put the “idiot on the camera”, who is then seen laughing.

“As much as you want to ask what channel we are from, do you really have to touch my bottom? I”m doing a live show and I”m working”, Ms Balado told him.

The man simply denied his activity, smiled, tousled her hair and walked away, but later arrested by the police.

Mediaset Espana, which owns the news channel, issued a statement on Tuesday expressing its support for Ms Balado.

“Mediaset España categorically rejects any type of harassment or aggression and shows its maximum support for Isa Balado”, said the company through an X post.

What Ms Balado suffered was an “absolutely intolerable situation”, the statement added.

Spain”s Labour Minister Yolanda Díaz condemned the incident and said “it cannot go unpunished”.

“Machismo is what causes journalists to have to suffer sexual assaults like this and why the aggressors are without any remorse in front of the camera. It cannot go unpunished. The professional Isa Balado will never be to blame”, she said on X sharing the snippet from the live telecast.

This incident comes amid a sexism row in Spain, sparked by the former Spanish FA president Luis Rubiales kissing World Cup winner Jenni Hermoso on the lips. His actions during the Women”s World Cup final led to widespread criticism, his eventual resignation and a summons to court over accusations of sexual assault and coercion, reported the BBC.

“What until now was “normal” is no longer normal. #SeAcabó is the cry of our country to guarantee the right to sexual freedom of all women”, the country’s acting equality minister Irene Mantero responded through X.
“Non-consensual touching is sexual violence and we say enough to impunity. All my support to Isa Balado. Only yes is yes”, she added.