US Voices Rare Criticism On India In Religious Freedom Report

India and US had been on warmer notch for decades now. Experts say the latter also perceive India as a bulwark against China.

India-US Edited by Updated: Jun 27, 2024, 2:27 pm
US Voices Rare Criticism On India In Religious Freedom Report

US Voices Rare Criticism On India In Its Religious Freedom Report (image@SecBlinken)

The United States offered a rare criticism of India over religious freedom, while also voicing alarm over rising bigotry worldwide against both Jews and Muslims. US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken unveiled an annual report and said that the Washington itself is facing a sharp escalation in both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in connection with Israel’s war in Gaza.

Blinken said US saw a concerning increase in anti-conversion laws, hate speech, demolition of homes and places of worship for members of minority faith communities.

Rashid Hussain, the US ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom faulted efforts of the Indian police.

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He said that in India, “Christian communities reported that local police aided mobs that disrupted worship services over accusations of conversion activities, or stood by while mobs attacked them and then arrested the victims on conversion charges”.

India and US had been on warmer notch for decades now. Experts say the latter also perceive India as a bulwark against China.

Despite its public criticism on India, not many expects any move from US against New Delhi when it drafts its annual blacklist of countries over religious freedom later this year.

Apart from India, Blinken raised concerns about the countries that are on the list including Pakistan, India’s historical rival. The State Department condemned blasphemy laws in the country that “help foster a climate of intolerance and hatred that can lead to vigilantism and mob violence”.

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The State Department noted that in US, both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia has gone up “dramatically”.

Blinken also singled out EU member Hungary, led by nationalist Viktor Orban, saying that “officials continue to use anti-Semitic tropes and anti-Muslim rhetoric and they penalize members of religious groups who criticise the government”. He further said that nine other European nations “effectively ban some forms of religious clothing in public spaces”. While Blinken did not name the countries, it is a known factor that France has been at the forefront in restricting veils worn by Muslim women.

(with inputs from agencies)