Vladimir Putin And Kim Jong Un Vow To Help Each Other In Times Of "Aggression"

Amidst a pile of sanctions and isolation from the world, Russia manages to keep its historical ties with countries including Vietnam and North Korea.

Russia-North Korea Edited by Updated: Jun 20, 2024, 5:36 pm
Vladimir Putin And Kim Jong Un Vow To Help Each Other In Times Of

Vladimir Putin And Kim Jong Un Vows To Help Each Other At Times Of "Aggression" (file image)

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean President Kim Jong Un signed an agreement swearing to help each other during the period of “aggression” against their country. Putin made the announcement after his talks with Kim during a lavish visit to Pyongyang. The visit was first since 2000.

Kim said the visit took their relationship to “a new, high level of alliance”. The recent visit has solidified the blooming friendship between Russia and North Korea, which left the West worrying.

Reportedly, a sort of mutual defence treaty is likely to be on the table that will see Moscow assisting Pyongyang in future conflict on the Korean peninsula, while North Korea will help Russia in its war on Ukraine.

Read also: Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin Meet For The Alleged Munitions Talk

Both the leaders last met in September, when Kim visited Moscow.

Both leaders signed a “comprehensive partnership agreement” on Wednesday. The agreement included a clause where both parties agreed to provide “mutual assistance in the vent of aggression” against their country, said Putin, as reported by media. However, Putin did not elaborate on what would constitute aggression.


Since Kim’s last visit to Moscow, Russia was accused of striking an arms deal with Pyongyang. At the time of Kim’s visit, Russia was facing challenges on depleting weapons on its war against Ukraine. Reportedly, since Kim’s visit to Russia, there has been growing evidence that Russia has been deploying North Korean missiles in Ukraine.

The West has imposed sanctions on Russia and North Korea. Putin addressed the sanctions and said that both countries “do not tolerate the language of blackmail and diktat”. He said they would continue to counter the West’s use of “sanctions strangling” to maintain hegemony.

After his lavish visit to North Korea, Putin also made a visit to Vietnam, cementing the strategic partnership with country. President To Lam congratulated Putin for “receiving overwhelming support during the recent presidential election”.

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US criticised Hanoi for providing a platform for Putin. Vietnam, while trying to improve its relationship between Europe and US, still holds the door open for Russia, maintain its historic ties.

The relationship between Russia and Vietnam dates back to decades, to when the country was provided with vital military, economic and diplomatic support by the Soviet Union in 1950.


While Vietnam has witnessed tremendous changes after being integrated into global markets, Russia has fallen behind China, Asia, US, and Europe as trading partner. However, Vietnam still uses Russian-made military equipment. It also relies on its partnership with Russian oil companies for the exploration of oil in the South China Sea.