"I Take Responsibility": Haryana Ex-Home Minister On Police Firing In Khanauri

India Edited by Updated: May 22, 2024, 1:45 pm

"I Take Responsibility": Haryana Ex-Home Minister On Police Firing In Khanauri (image@anilvijminister)

Anil Vij, Haryana”s former Home Minister publicly took responsibility for police firing on the protesting farmers at the Punjab-Haryana border, Kanauri, after the call of Delhi Chalo 2.0 in February this year. Vij made the remark while doing election campaign for BJP”s Ambala candidate Banto Kataria.

While he was at Ambala, he was confronted by some farmers who were protesting with black flags and anti-BJP slogans. The politician then stopped his vehicle to talk to the protesting farmers. Reportedly, the farmers raised several questions as per the call given by Bharatiya Kisan Union Shaheed Bhagat Singh (BKU SBS).

Answering to the farmers” questioning regarding police firing at the protesting farmers, Vij said, he was then the home minister, he cannot run away from the issue and will take responsibility. He also added that the issue is under the investigation.

The farmers demanded that an FIR must be registered. They said if they speak anything against him an FIR would be registered against them immediately, then why not register an FIR against Vij himself. The Haryana MLA added that he is not a minister now but just MLA, and unlike other ministers, who run away from protests, he came to listen to them. To the politician”s question of whether the farmers accept that he has done work in his constituency, they answered yes.

The protesters went on to say that Vij would become Chief Minister one day, to which he replied he cannot be one unless they stand with him. The politician stood with the farmers and listened to them until they were pacified. The farmers welcomed Anil Vij while saying that he should quit BJP and they aid him in winning if he stand as an independent candidate.

During the Delhi Chalo protest that took place in February this year, a farmer named Shubhkaran Singh was allegedly killed by the police firing. The farmers from Haryana and Punjab reached the border of Haryana as they attempt to march towards Delhi. They were stopped by the police with the support of the parliamentary forces and they used tear gas shells and rubber bullets. Shubhkaran Singh”s death is being monitored by a panel formed by the Punjab and High Court.