Uncertainty Looms in Open AI after Sam Altman's Forced Resignation

Business Edited by Updated: Nov 19, 2023, 10:44 am
Uncertainty Looms in Open AI after Sam Altman's Forced Resignation

Uncertainty Looms in Open AI after Sam Altman's Forced Resignation

A turmoil follows in Open AI after the founder CEO Sam Altman ousted out by the board of directors over disagreement, as many employees warned that they would also quit. If Altman decides to start a new company, these employees may prefer to join him, a report quoted sources.

Sam Altman forced to quit the company over the disagreements with the director board, who alleged Sam was “not consistently candid in his communications”. Following this, company”s top four executives including president, Greg Brockman decided to quit the company in protest against the Sam Altman”s removal. Jakub Pachocki, Aleksander Madry and Szymon Sidor were the others who left the company.

It is learned that OpenAI”s board of directors had initially agreed to reinstate Altman. However, the board since changed its mind.

After the resignation, Altman said the day as a “weird experience” and likened it to “reading your own eulogy while you’re still alive.”

“I love you all. Today was a weird experience in many ways. but one unexpected one is that it has been sort like reading your own eulogy while you’re still alive. The outpouring of love is awesome. One takeaway: go tell your friends how great you think they are,” the former CEO tweeted.

“if i start going off, the OpenAI board should go after me for the full value of my shares,” he said in another tweet.

The director board has decided replace Sam Altman with Mira Murati who is the current chief technology officer of the company. She will serve as the interim CEO until the company select the right one.

According to the report Sam Altman and Greg Brockman has been in talks with investors in since their removal to start a new company including Masayoshi Son. However, OpenAI’s largest investor, Microsoft has affirmed it commitment to its partnership with the AI company.

It is reported that the investors were not informed beforehand nor given a chance to share their opinions about the board”s decision to remove Sam Altman as CEO. Sam Altman is considered as the public face of OpenAI and a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence. His removal as CEO has created havoc casting a shadow of uncertainty over the company”s future, particularly as intense competition weighs on its financial performance.