4,440 Faculty Recruitments In Central HEIs Including IITs, Minister Informs Lok Sabha

Education Edited by Updated: Feb 06, 2024, 11:06 am
4,440 Faculty Recruitments In Central HEIs Including IITs, Minister Informs Lok Sabha

Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are autonomous bodies governed by the Institutes of Technology Act, 1961

In a written reply to an unstarred question of Lok Sabha, Subhas Sarkar, the Minister of State for Education informed the house that around 4,440 faculties of Schedule Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and other Backward Class (OBC) have been recruited for the Central Higher Education Institutes (CHEIs), including the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), under the mission mode of the recruitment drive.

In August 2022, BJP MP C M Ramesh informed about the 4,596 faculty vacancies in IITs, to a response in Lok Sabha.

Minister informed about the mission mode recruitment drive to fill the vacancies in CHEIs. Sarkar added, “All CHEIs, including IITs, have been directed to use special recruitment drives for SC/ST/OBC categories to fill the backlog of vacancies.” Occurrence and filling of vacancies is a continuous process where upon vacancies arise due to retirement, resignation and additional requirement.

“The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are autonomous bodies governed by the Institutes of Technology Act, 1961 as amended from time to time, and the statutes framed thereunder. IITs have been directed to follow the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Teachers’ Cadre) Act, 2019 and the guidelines issued by DoPT with regard to the preparation of rosters. IITs issues rolling advertisements for faculty recruitment, which are open throughout the year for all candidates, who fulfil the required qualifications and experience for faculty positions in IITs.” Sarkar said responding to a question in the Lok Sabha on if each IIT prepares the reservation rosters for direct hiring into each cadre of teaching faculty