IIT Bombay Makes AI, Data Science Essential For Undergrads

Education Written by Updated: Sep 28, 2023, 8:45 pm
IIT Bombay Makes AI, Data Science Essential For Undergrads

IIT-Bombay Makes AI, Data Science Essential For Undergrads

Starting from this academic year, the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B) is making Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI-DS) a mandatory course for undergraduate students pursuing BTech and Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees. This decision comes as a response to the increasing significance of AI and data science in various fields. Professor Deepankar Choudhury, who led the committee tasked with revising the BTech curriculum, explained that AI-DS would become a foundational course, similar to Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology, ensuring that all students gain a fundamental understanding of these technologies.

AI-DS will be introduced as a common course with mandatory credit during the first semester of the second year. However, students who are particularly interested in these subjects will have the option to pursue more advanced courses later on. Professor Avinash Mahajan, Dean of Academics, emphasised that AI-DS is relevant not only for technology-focused fields but also for disciplines like Economics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, which involve data analysis.

This initiative aims to equip students with essential AI and data science knowledge early in their undergraduate studies. According to Choudhury, this foundational knowledge will prepare students for future job opportunities and empower them to contribute to the evolving job market. He pointed out that AI is no longer limited to computer science and electrical engineering but is increasingly applied in various engineering branches, making it essential for all students to have a grasp of these technologies.

IIT-B”s decision aligns with the growing popularity of AI and DS courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The institution”s previous curriculum overhaul had also introduced a range of non-engineering subjects, reflecting the changing career preferences of students who are exploring fields like Humanities, Arts, Social Science, Management, Entrepreneurship, and Design.

The Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay”s decision to make Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI-DS) a mandatory course for undergraduate students is a forward-looking and strategic move. By introducing AI-DS as a foundational course, IIT-B is ensuring that its students are well-prepared for the future, where these technologies are becoming increasingly integral to various fields.

This initiative recognises that AI and data science are no longer confined to specific technical disciplines but have broad applications across diverse domains, including Economics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. By providing students with early exposure to these subjects, IIT-B is equipping them with essential knowledge and skills that will be invaluable in the evolving job market.