Kerala Assembly Passes Resolution Demanding Comprehensive Investigation Into NEET Exam Irregularities

NEET exam result Edited by Updated: Jun 27, 2024, 1:38 pm
Kerala Assembly Passes Resolution Demanding Comprehensive Investigation Into NEET Exam Irregularities

Kerala Assembly Passes Resolution Demanding Comprehensive Investigation Into NEET Exam Irregularities

The Kerala legislative assembly unanimously passed a resolution demanding the central government to hold a comprehensive investigation into the alleged irregularities in the NEET and UGC NET examinations conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). The resolution was moved by the LDF MLA M Vijin and received support from both the ruling Left Democratic Front (LDF) and the opposition United Democratic Front (UDF) led by the Congress.

The legislator said that there was widespread corruption in the NEET 2024 exam. How can a government ensure the safety of a country that can not protect the sanctity of an examination, he asked. The MLA also raised questions on the accountability of the NTA and central government over the historic 67 toppers in the NEET exam, paper leak cases in Gujarat and Bihar, and other exam-related irregularities.

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R Bindu, the Kerala higher education minister moved a substantial resolution under rule 275 on the irregularities in conducting NEET – UG and UGC NET examinations in the country. He raised the grace marks matter where students received 718 and 719 marks out of 720 based on some formula decided by the NTA.

Discussing the central government’s stand on the paper leak and the continuous denial of any irregularity, the state minister mentioned the petition filed in the Supreme Court. He further mentioned the mental agony and financial stress on the candidates following the cancellation and paper leak matters. The Education Minister said that NTA has put lakhs of students and parents from Kerala under pressure over their future uncertainty.

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However, the central government has taken several decisions considering the demands of the students and acknowledging the widespread concerns. A high level expert committee, CBI inquiry into the alleged NEET paper leak cases, NTA reforms and re-examiantion of NEET UG for 1,563 candidates who recieved the grace marks.